chapter one

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I slowly open my eyes and blink a few times to adjust to the light. I'm not quite sure of the time but I'm not really worried. My flight leaves around 12:45 in the afternoon, which leaves me with plenty of time to do what I need to get done - which isn't much. I don't like to leave things until last minute, maybe because I usually have nothing to do so I guess I just get it done.

Once my eyes are capable of withstanding the light, I sit up and glance around the room. There's boxes upon boxes spread out across the room and in some way in makes me anxious.

I've only left Miami once to visit L.A. and soon it will be the place I live as well as attend school in. I am beyond excited but now that I really think about it, am I ready for this? I'm not sure but it's too late to go back now.

I should really stop overthinking this. I've wanted to leave for what seems like forever and now I'm second guessing myself. It's probably just my nerves or whatever.

It always takes me forever to get out of bed in the morning; I either fall back asleep or just contemplate life. Slowly, I get out of bed and pad over to my bathroom. After turning on the light, I examine my appearance. Last night my hair was in a bun and because of the way I slept, that bun turned into a really loose ponytail. I pull the hair tie out and shake my head causing hair to fly around everywhere. As I brush it out and tie it in a bun, I stare at my reflection. I've luckily been blessed with moderately clear skin, so I only get a few pimples here and there. I splash some water onto my face and pat it dry. While brushing my teeth I walk over to my phone and check the time, surprisingly it's 8:32 a.m.

That's weird... my parents normally wake me up before they go to work around 7 in the morning. I know that sounds really early, but it doesn't bother me much. I don't get in a prissy mood if I need to wake up early - unless of course, I don't get much sleep the previous night.

The toothpaste starts foaming into the corners of my mouth telling me that it's time to rinse out my mouth. I take my time to walk down the stairs, admiring the modern decor throughout the house.

Once I make my way into the kitchen, I spread some strawberry cream cheese on a cinnamon bagel, shoving it into my mouth as I make my way over to the fridge to find a note stuck to it.

Bethany - Happy 18th Birthday! We didn't wake you up because we thought it would be kind of us to let you sleep a little longer. Sorry we didn't say goodbye, we had been called into work earlier than usual anyways. Have a safe flight to Los Angeles. We'll call you later. Love you. Oh, I almost forgot to tell you that I put the money in your bank account already. Enjoy it and spend it wisely. - Mom and Dad

Well, shit. I totally forgot. It's my fucking birthday. I turned 18 today - the age I've desired to turn. It's finally legal for me to live on my own. Damn, how could I forget? Maybe it's because my parents don't give a shit so my birthday's never been a big deal. I've always gotten money, even when I was younger. It's always been about money, I don't know why but that's just the way it's been my entire life. I don't like it one bit, but I've learned to deal with it. What other choice do I have?

I just wish they had the decency to tell me happy birthday along with a goodbye in person. I'm moving across the country and I won't be coming back for a few months, or at least until Thanksgiving. That's four months. Why can't they just say goodbye? I don't get it, I'm their only child and I never ask for much, yet they can't do one, simple thing for me. One thing that would make me believe they could actually care for me.

I don't know why this bothers me. I don't expect much from them, but this is making me upset for some reason.


Two hours and 15 minutes. In two hours and 15 minutes I will be on a flight on my way to Los Angeles, California. I decided on calling an Uber to bring me to the airport since I was left with no other options.

I take a step outside as I see the Uber pulling up. For some reason I'm even more anxious than I was before. As I turn around to lock the door, I find myself holding my breath. I exhale after locking the door but wasn't quite sure why I was even holding my breath for so long. I take my time to get over to the Uber even though I can see the driver staring at me from where I'm standing. He greets me with a smile and I return one back before moving my gaze out the window and informing him of my destination.


I quicken my pace as I make my way to security, wanting to arrive in L.A. as soon as possible. I place my all-black converse in the tray on the conveyor belt as well as my phone and brown-leather purse. The lady gives me an "OK," letting me know that I can go through the metal detector. I step through and walk past her to retrieve my shoes, phone, and purse to then bend down to tie my shoes and double-check to make sure I have everything.

Making my way up the escalator feels longer than it should. I need to escape this uneasy feeling in my stomach. I need to distract myself from all of my unnecessary nerves.

While heading in the direction of my terminal, I stop at Starbucks to get something to drink. I've always loved coffee and there's no denying the fact that I can't really live without it.

"Hey! What can I get you?" The girl behind the cash register, Becca, asks rather joyfully. I order my usual, venti iced caramel macchiato, and pay with a five-dollar bill.

I settle down in an empty seat next to my terminal, deciding to go the bathroom before the flight starts boarding.

"Flight 190 to Los Angeles is now boarding." A man announces over the loudspeaker as I rush to get in line. The same man, who was on the loud speaker, scans my ticket and gives me a small smile before I get onto the plane. I begin looking for my seat as I make my way down the aisle of the plane, making sure not to hit anyone with my bag. I look down at my ticket, to confirm that my seat is 7C, and it is so I sit down and get comfortable while waiting for the flight to finish boarding. Yet I find myself already drifting off to sleep before the plane even takes off.


hello, okay so i know this sounds kinda cliché right now but i promise it's not, i'm just trying to get into the story so there's just fillers for now but it'll get good soon :-)

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