chapter nine

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"And he was upset over this?"

"Yes, I think so."

"Huh, weird.

I nod my head in agreement. Cassidy came back from the bathroom not too long after Michael left. So, I told her what happened with Luke and I last night. I wasn't sure if I should tell her or not because I didn't know how she would react, but the last thing I wanted to do was keep it from her.

She wasn't mad or anything, she was genuinely happy. Maybe it's because her and Michael have something going on I guess. Cassidy didn't clarify what they are or if they even like each other, she just said that they like doing things and being together. I don't know what she meant by things but whatever it is, good for her.

"Are you sure you're okay with what happened between Luke and I?" I gingerly ask. I just want to make sure she's okay with this whole thing. I don't want her to feel uncomfortable or secretly despise me. I mean, who knows... something else may happen between Luke and I but we'll just have to wait and see. All that currently matters to me is how Cassidy feels about it. 

"Yeah! Please don't worry about it." She lightly chuckles. "I know that I said I may have some feelings towards Luke but I've almost forgot about them since I've been spending so much time with Michael. Michael gives me butterflies and makes me happier than anyone. I don't know if this means that I don't have feelings for Luke or what but I think it's good that Michael came into my life. I want to stay just friends with Luke. If you and Luke were to get together or something I would be perfectly fine with it, I promise." She says as she nods her head.

A sweet smile covers her face as she stands up from her bed and starts walking towards me with open arms. I bring my arms around Cassidy as she envelops me in a warm embrace.

"Thank you for caring about my feelings." She says softly. I can tell that she isn't just saying that for conversation - she genuinely means it.

"Of course." I say, meaning it in the most sincere way.

We both pull away from each other at the same time when Cassidy speaks up after a few moments. "So, do you like Luke?" Her blue eyes look intently at me, awaiting an answer. 

I sigh, not knowing the answer myself. I don't think I like Luke... I haven't even known him for that long. I think it's been a week or so, could I really develop feelings for someone that quick? 

"I'm really not sure..." I reply hesitantly. "Wouldn't it be weird if I did? Since I just met him and everything?" I question before sitting down on my bed. 

"Nah, I don't think it would be. It makes sense as to why you would. Luke's very attractive and sweet. He's been so nice to you since he met you and I can totally understand why you could like him without knowing him for that long." She answers as she sits down beside me. "Plus I'm pretty sure Luke likes you. You always put a smile on his face and I can tell that he really enjoys being around you." She adds knowingly. 

I blush and look down at my fingers in my lap, fidgeting with them. I'm still not sure if I like Luke. He makes me smile more than anyone and I feel all giddy around him but isn't it too fast for this to be happening? I don't know what it feels like to actually like someone, so this is all so new to me. It's almost frustrating that I can't figure this out. I don't want to say I like Luke because if I actually don't then that may hurt him and I don't want to do that. 

I know Cassidy said that it makes sense as to why I may have developed feelings for Luke so fast but something's off. I'm not quite sure what it is but there's something making me hold back in a way. This makes me wish I had more experience with these kinds of things. I've never had a boyfriend. I've kissed like two people, other than Luke. I didn't even like those two people but maybe Luke's different. Even though we were intoxicated when it happened, it still felt different than those other kisses. But maybe that's just because of the alcohol I had consumed. I just don't know. 

"Please don't tell Luke I told you that, he'll probably kill me." She says half-joking and half-serious, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Don't worry, I won't." I laugh. 

Cassidy moves to lay on her bed after a few minutes and I continue to think about everything. "Okay, I'm not saying this is gonna happen or anything but what if Luke and I dated?" I ask, breaking the silence. 

"I would be fine with it. You guys would be cute together." She responds with a smile. "Just please don't hurt Luke. He's been hurt so much in the past and it kills me to see how broken he becomes. Most girls don't understand that Luke has feelings and it infuriates me. He does have feelings and he's actually more emotional than he seems to be. Just know that." She states, only giving me a half smile now. "I don't think you're gonna hurt him but I just had to tell you that." I smile at her and nod my head, glad that she didn't hold back in telling me. She's just looking out for Luke and I respect that, they are best friends after all. 

"I think I like Luke." I announce after a comfortable silence. 

"I knew it." Cassidy says as her lips form into a smile.

I'm just gonna have to see what happens. Time will tell, eventually. Time will tell me what I desire the most. At least, that's what I hope. 


hi, so i know it's been a long time but school been kicking my ass so i apologize. and i hope this update makes sense idk it's a filler but yeah i just wanted to get something up since i haven't in so long. anyways, have a lovely week :-) 

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