chapter ten

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So today's the day when my classes finally start. I'm definitely not looking forward to sitting in class and listening to professors talk for a few hours everyday, but it is what it is.

My first class starts at 9:00 and its about 6:45. Cassidy and I got up so we can go to breakfast with Luke and Michael.

I woke up earlier than anyone else so I could shower without chaos. I don't miss home but I do miss having my own shower.

I put on my black jeans that have rips around the knees and a maroon shirt. I apply eyeliner and mascara just to look more put together for the day while Cassidy leaves to shower. My phone vibrates beside me as I reach for my black Dr. Martens and I look to see who it is.
To: beth :-)
To: lukey

To: lukey
do u know where we're goin for breakfast??
To: beth :-)
nooope, i was actually gonna ask u that
To: lukey
oh :(
To: beth :-)
where do u wanna go
To: lukey
idk just somewhere with pancakes
To: beth :-)
hmm why pancakes?
To: lukey
why not?
To: beth :-)
To: lukey
I smile to myself as I think about my conversation with Luke. It was cute - I almost think my 'why not' response was a bit immature but I don't really care. I like Luke. So obviously, I'm going to have those moments where I act like I'm back in middle school, flirting with my so called 'crush'.

"What are you smiling at?" Cassidy questions, causing me to jump and drop my phone. I must've been too interested in my phone to hear her walk in or even open the door.

"Nothing..." I mumble as I reach down to retrieve my phone.

She starts humming to herself with a smirk on her face. God knows what she's thinking.

"Do know what time we're leaving?" I ask as I pull on my shoes.

"Well whenever I'm done getting ready, we can go to Luke's dorm and drive with him. Michael will meet us there."



Cassidy and I are with Luke in his car and are apparently on our way to IHOP, of all places. Not much conversation is being made probably because we all did have to wake up pretty early so no one's in much of a mood to talk.

Once we arrive I immediately spot someone with bright red hair. I have no idea who it could be. It could be Michael... I only met him once though and I swear he had lilac hair.

"Michael!" Cassidy shouts as she jogs over to him. The red-headed boy turns around and it is in fact, Michael. She is quick to wrap her arms around his neck and he does the same to her waist. They seem so happy to see each other, it brings a smile to my face.

"Hey." Luke says, giving a nudge to my side.

"Hi." I reply, smiling up at him.

"How are you doing today, beautiful?" Luke asks, pulling his sweatshirt sleeves down so they cover his hands.

"I'll be pretty good once I get those pancakes." I say as we enter the restaurant and look to where Cassidy and Michael are seated.

"They're over there." Luke points out.

We walk over and I slide into the booth after Luke. Luke decides to place his hand on my thigh, which makes butterflies immediately appear in my stomach. Cassidy and Michael are sitting across from us and for some reason are playing tic-tac-toe.

"Who got a kids menu?" I ask while Luke just smirks beside me. Michael looks up and stares at me as if I had asked an odd question.

"Michael." Cassidy responds, laughing.

"Oh, why?" I question curiously.

"Why not?" Michael says quickly.

I look at Luke with wide eyes and Luke laughs at me as he brings his finger under his nose and moves it from side to side (which I find really cute).

Michael starts laughing too and I turn my head to look at him with a confused expression.

"I just like to color and play the games on kids' menus. It's fun." Michael says, smiling at me.

"Okay, can we order now? I really want pancakes." I reply, clearly eager to eat.

The waiter approaches us right after I finish speaking. Either he heard me, or it was just a coincidence.

"What would you guys like?" The waiter, Colin (which is the name printed on his name tag), questions. Surprisingly, he has a smile on his face for having to be at work and serve people this early. Let me tell you, I would never want to be a waiter. Yeah, I am a morning person but that doesn't mean I want to get up and go serve people food - let alone smile at them. Especially if people were rude to meet, oh god... don't even get me started.

"The chocolate chip pancakes please." I say, smiling so big that it probably spreads from ear to ear.

"Just plain pancakes for me." Cassidy orders once Colin finishes writing down my order.

"Eggs scrambled with a side of bacon." Michael says.

"Do you guys have salsa here?" Luke asks. Salsa? For what?

"Yes sir, we do." Colin replies, looking expectantly at him with a pen in his hand hovering over his pad of paper.

"Great. Can I have the same thing as him but with a side of salsa as well?" Luke says, pointing at Michael.

"Of course." Colin finishes writing down our order, picks up the menus and walks away.

"Okay Luke, what is the salsa for?" I ask, clearly confused. Does he just eat salsa with his breakfast? A little strange if you ask me. I usually eat it with chips but whatever floats his boat.

"My eggs." Luke responds, slowly blinking as he looks at me with no emotion.

"Your eggs?" What.

"Yeah, my eggs." He says this as if it's the most obvious thing in the world. "Like the things that come out of a chicken's -" Luke continues until I stop him.

"Luke!" I yell, slapping his arm.

"Ow. What?" He says, rubbing his arm.

"That didn't actually hurt."

"Yeah, it didn't. I just wanted to see if you would feel bad for me." Luke responds, smirking.

"So, anyways, who eats salsa on their eggs?" I question, not getting how salsa could taste good on eggs.


"Yeah but... nevermind this is dumb. And you're gross." I sigh, pointing at Luke.

"What? How am I gross?" He asks, pouting.

"Because salsa on eggs that just sounds so disgu-"

"Hey guys! Sorry I'm late." I feel someone sit beside me and push me so I'm basically sitting on top of Luke.

I turn to see who it is and just my luck, it's Calum fucking Hood.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2014 ⏰

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