Chapter 이십이

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Back at the house Taehyung and Jungkook went to go see if their dear hyung was alright. They've haven't shown much emotion but they too worried dearly for the pinkette, knowing mentally how much he's hurting. Together they stood in front of Jimin's door. Taehyung raised his hand towards the button and pressed the doorbell a few times, then waited.

A minute passed and no one answered.

The two shared looks "Should we just walk in?" muttered Taehyung, his voice was laced with a hint of irritation due to Jimin's stubbornness. "I don't think that's a good idea.. isn't it.. disrespectful?"

Taehyung groaned and decided to bend the rules and open the door. The room was dark and quiet but as they entered further inside they could hear soft whimpers and frail cries. Cautiously they approached the bed, Taehyung turned the lamp on revealing the sobbing boy that was curled up in the sheets, trembling.

Jungkook sat on the edge of the bed and rubbed his back, immediately the older flinched from the sudden skin contact.

Taehyung circled around to the over side of the bed and crawled in, pulling Jimin into his warm clutches. Instantly the poor lad bursted into tears, loudly his cries had become and more hoarse while Taehyung carded his hand through his hair, his eyes glance up at his boyfriend; both felt concerned.

"It's gonna be okay.." Taehyung assured even though Jimin couldn't hear him.

"What are we gonna do?"

"I have no clue. I may not know what happened at the party, but I do however don't wanna ask Jimin in this state" Taehyung replied. The dongsaegs felt useless in this situation, the only thing that they could think that would really help Jimin was either Hedinae or Suga. They had their suspicion that all ties lead up towards him and Hedinae so that idea was out.

"Hedinae is out of the question, my suspicion has lead me to wonder that she was involved in the drama yesterday. There's slso Suga but he's MIA"

Taehyung was frustrated.

"Eomma and Appa Joonie are out searching for them right n-" Jungkook was cut off by his train of thoughts. Taehyung's eyes squinted, and his eyebrows furrowed questionably "I have an idea!" Jungkook exclaims.

"Who else can comfort someone and make sure they matter in the world?" Taehyung grimaces dumbfounded.

Jungkook groaned at his boyfriends stupidity "Hobi!" Jungkook pulls out his phone and dials a number "Isn't he at work?" Jungkook held the phone up to his ear "Ne, but if one of the hyungs are in trouble then he'll gladly leave" for some reason Taehyung thought that might be a bad thing.


"Hobi we need your help!"


"Aish!. I'm at work, is it urgent?"


"Well of course it is or else I wouldn't be calling
with a panicked voice!"


"Ah!. Okay calm down. You home?"


"Ye. Now hurry it's about Jimin"

Jungkook hangs up "He should be here soon" Taehyung fakes a smile and looks down at the pinkette worriedly as he continues to motion his thumb alongside Jimin's cheek with gentle strokes. "I just wish I knew what happened.." Taehyung mumbles angrily.

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