Chapter 37- Kissing

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↣ Giselle  ↢

I was at Starbucks which was inside the super target. I just sat in the back where the windows were covered with the curtains.

I just kept thinking about what I saw between a girl and Cameron at the coffee shop. They were at the back of the coffee shop sucking faces.

"Hey!" A hear someone say,while they put their hand on my back.

It gave me the chills,and got me to stop thinking about Cameron.

I turned around to see that it was a Jack.

I forced a smile. He smiled back.

Gosh,his smile was perfect,and his jawline, and his freaking dimples too.

"Hello? Earth to Giselle??" Jack said,waving his hand in my face.

"Uh what? Sorry." I said,coming back into reality.

"I asked you why you wanted to meet me up here,and you just stared at my face for like 2 minutes straight." Jack said.

"Haha sorry." I said.

"But uhm.. you're new here,but I just needed some comfort since I didn't want to see the other guys." I said.

"I see a black line from your eye to the bottom of your cheek. What happened?" Jack said.

"Cameron's mad at me because Jack Gilinsky told him that I was cheating on him with Shawn.. Which I DIDN'T." I said, expressing the word didn't.

"Awh." Jack said,pulling me closer to him.

My head was on now on Jack's shoulder.

"Don't worry. Jack Gilinsky just has some feelings for you,and he was jealous.." Jack said.

"How'd you know?" I said.

"I was right? Haha. I just guessed because that was how my ex girlfriend and I's relationship ended.." Jack said.

I started to become teary eyed when Jack said," I just guessed because that was how my ex girlfriend and I's relationship ended."

"Oops I shouldn't have said that. Sorry." Jack said.

I let out a small laugh,and smiled.

"Aw there's that smile that I always see on vine." Jack said,putting his fingers on my cheeks,squishing them together,making my lips do the duck lips.

Jack gazed at my lips,and started leaning in.

I started leaning in too.

"I uh." I said.

"I'm sorry." Jack said,brushing his hair with his fingers.

"No it's okay." I nervously smiled.

↣ Cameron  ↢

I was talking with this girl named Alana,and she then leaned in.

I started leaning in too.

That was when I heard someone say my name.

Alana and I parted and I saw Giselle.

"Uh.." was all I said.

I wish I got up to get her back.

But I was just there staring right at her,as she ran away.

What did I just do?

I ran back to catch up to her after I realized what I did, but she was no where to be found.

I then went back to the hotel to see if she was there.

"Have you guys seen where Giselle was?" I asked.

They all shook their head.

"Look Cameron.  I have something to say." Jack Gilinsky said.

"Go ahead." I said.

"Giselle never really cheated on you with Shawn. It was just a lie. I was just lying so that I could finally have Giselle. But look what I did. I fucked up. I'm so sorry." Jack said.

I got so mad.

I ran towards gilinsky with my hand ready to punch him.

But Taylor and Carter stopped me from doing it,while Aaron pushed and told Gilinsky to go somewhere else.

I fucked up so much. I'm never listening to Gilinsky ever again.

"Hey don't tell Gi this,but I think she's at the super target, meeting up Jack Dail I think. I saw his text messages on his phone since he let it on the couch. And I grabbed it to make it silent since it keep vibrating and shit." Shawn said.

I nodded and went ran out the door,to find her,and to make it up.

I then ran over to the super target.

I ran inside starbucks to find her there.

I looked everywhere but then I go to the back and see Giselle on Jack's shoulder.

I walked over there,but then Jack stares at her and they slowly lean in.

My heart felt like it stopped beating.

She's going to let that happen?

I mean does she see me,or..

I just got out of the building and walked back to the hotel.

My eyes started to get blurry,and as I blinked a tear rolled down my cheek.

Why am I crying?

Does this mean I love her too much?



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