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To love you
Would mean that
My bones
would become homes
For heart break
And my joints
Would know heart ache
It would mean that my eyes
Would reflect rivers
Constantly flowing.
It would mean that my lungs
Would become constantly tired
From the immense breath
That I had to inhale and exhale
To simply feel the weight lifted
Off of my chest.
To love you would mean that
My heart strings would tug in
A profusion of directions
Suffocating itself.
That my mind
Would never be at peace,
Never knowing yourself.
To love you would mean
That my ears would ring with the faint
sound of your name
And my knees would go weak with
The slightest pinprick of your touch.
It would mean that loving you would hurt
But hurting would be a worthy
consequence of your love.


Poetry by A.aWhere stories live. Discover now