If I'm Bonnie
Then who's Clyde?
And where do I find my ride or die?
If I rob a bank
How can I guarantee you won't shoot blanks?
And if i die
Would you die too?
Meet me on the other side
Realize what we have is true inside?
But what if I love you
And you don't have a clue?
And I go down for you and
You just leave me in the blue?
What if I'm Bonnie but you're not Clyde
And your just another nigga
who's not down for the ride?
Does that mean that I end up alone
While you go find another home?
What if Bonnie and Clyde were on opposite sides?
What if our love doesn't control the tide?
What if I'm Bonnie
I never
Meet my Clyde?-A.a