Chapter 3

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"I got it!" I yelled through the bathroom door. While Ashley was in the bathroom getting ready for the first day of classes today, someone knocked on the door. Venturing towards the door, I grabbed the knob and pulled it open. Not sure who to expect, I saw Katie. Oh yeah that's right... Katie and I have our first 8:30am class together today, which is math. Ew! I hate math with a burning passion!

"Hey Katie! I'm almost ready. You wanna come?" I asked as I opened the door further for her to venture into our room.

"Hey! Yeah sure," she walked in while finishing her statement. Continuing on she inquired, "How do you think this math class will go?"

"Personally, I think it'll be terrible, but I also suck at any kind of math," I explained while grabbing my backpack. I shoved a few textbooks, notebooks and folders into it that I needed for my Monday classes.

She shrugged her shoulders and then replied, "Yeah, math isn't too difficult for me, so I'm hoping that it won't be too bad." As she finished her, she plopped down on my bed while surveying the room. Adding on, she commented on my room, "I really like how you did all of your décor." She pointed to the lights and pictures that I had hanging up on my wall. Ashley and I had hung clear Christmas lights up above our window that was between our beds. To add to my side, I had hung some pictures up from my senior year of high school and a couple canvases with some quotes that I like.

I smiled as I glanced towards all of it and replied, "Thanks! I wasn't quite sure how I was going to do it when I moved in, but then it just kinda happened. I'm glad you like it."

After finishing her morning process for getting ready, Ashley walked out of the bathroom looking like she was prepared for classes. She was all dressed up in a white flowy top with a pair of black leggings. Adding some color to her outfit she had on a light pink belt with some matching thong sandals that had a flower on each foot.

Walking over to us, she greeted Katie, "Morning Katie! All ready for the first day of classes?"

"Yeah I think so. I'm just gonna miss summer an awful lot cuz now we actually have to do work and put in effort each day," she answered.

"Me too! I'm just thinking about the course work and am already exhausted," Ashley agreed with Katie.

Picking up my backpack, I pull it onto my back. I stated, "Well it's probably that time. We should start heading to our 8:30 class."

"Yeah..." Katie groaned as she pulled herself off my bed. Pulling her backpack up onto her back, we make our way towards the door.

As I turn the door knob to open the door, I say over my shoulder, "We'll see you later Ashley."

"Bye!" Katie added on.

"Bye guys!" Ashley responded


As I progressed throughout my day, I attended math, English composition, and sociology. Math, thankfully, wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, but it is only the first day. Since I am in a basic algebra class, I don't think it can be too difficult. Now English composition was completely different. As I listened to my professor talk, I swear I almost fell asleep. That class will hands down be the most boring out of all of mine.

As I just got out of English, I decided that I'd stop by the food place in the atrium of one of the main buildings to grab a sandwich for lunch. Walking in there, I realized that I hadn't actually gone in there before, but I easily found the cooler that holds the sandwiches. Looking at all of the options, I finally decided up a BLT sandwich on flat bread. I grabbed a banana out of the basket by the sandwich cooler and made my way to the line. While in line, I opened up the drink cooler and pulled out a bottle of water.

Walking out of the food place after I scanned my student ID at the register, I wasn't watching where I was going and completely ran into someone.

"Whoops! Sorry!" I quickly apologized. Looking up I realized who it was and tried not to blush. It was Tyler.

"Oh, you're fine. It was partially my fault too," he stated with a smile on his face. Continuing on, he questioned, "Care if I join you for lunch? Or are you taking it to go?"

I looked at his hands and realized that he had gotten a sandwich too. "Sure! Where do you wanna sit?" I asked him.

"How about over here?" he asks, guiding me to a table by the window in the atrium of this building.

Sitting down with him at the table, I realize that I have no clue what we are going to talk about. Oh great, this may get awkward.

"So..." he starts, "How did your morning classes go for you?"

"Pretty good. Math doesn't sound like it will be as hard as I thought it would be, but English I know is gonna be super boring. How have yours been?" I inquire.

"Oh, I completely agree on the English thing. I hate English too. But mine haven't been too bad so far. I had English and Biology. I think Biology will interesting though because I heard that we will do some dissections in that class," he explained.

"Yeah I wouldn't make it through those dissections. I'm not a fan of seeing the insides of some animal," I respond.

He shrugs, "It's not as bad after you do so many of them. I don't know why but I've always enjoyed doing them. I find it interesting how the internal systems work."

"Yeah, it's more of the hands-on part that I don't like. I get grossed out pretty easily," I explain.

Tyler laughs at my response to this. Oh great, I just embarrassed myself in front of him. I immediately feel my cheeks heat up. Uh oh! I glance at the time. My next class starts in ten minutes.

"Oh my gosh! I didn't realize what time it was. My next class starts in ten minutes. Sorry, I have to ditch you now," I quickly say. Rushing to get my items together, I pick up my backpack and state, "Bye."

"Bye Vanessa!" he responds with a smile.


A/N: I apologize for the shorter chapter, but it had been a while since I had updated, and I wanted to get something out there for you guys. Classes start up again tomorrow, yay... Break went by way too quick. Hope you enjoyed it! Please comment, and favorite! 😊

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