Chapter 6

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(Vanessa's POV)

Dragging my feet up the stairs, I finally reached my dorm room. Today had been a long day, but it was over. I didn't have to worry about any more classes for the day. Also, since it's the first day of classes, I don't have any homework to do yet. Opening the door, toss my bag onto the floor and collapse onto my bed. At this point, I could feel that my eyelids were getting heavy and before I knew it sleep was taking over me. It felt so nice.

About an hour later

(Ashley's POV)

I had just finished my last class for the day and now was heading back to the dorms. As I reached my room, I pulled out my keys from my backpack and unlocked my door. I still can't get used to the fact that I have to actually unlock my door every time I come home. When I was in high school, I always just went through the garage door, so I never had to carry a key.

"Hey Vanessa, are you—" I began, but quickly realized that she was passed out on her bed. Whoops! I took a closer look to see if I woke her. Thankfully I hadn't! Quietly, I pulled my laptop out and looked at what my professors had posted for assignments online. Since I am working towards becoming a physical therapist (A.k.a. PT), I'll have to be focused on my studies.


Pulled my phone out of my back pocket, I looked at the screen and saw that Katie has messaged me.


Hey Girly! Has Vanessa talked to you about Tyler today? I got some more news to fill you in on. You busy rn?


Not really. Just checking up on my classes online. You in your dorm? I can come down. Vanessa is asleep.


Coolio! See yah in a few!

Grabbing my keys, I leave my room and lock it behind me. I wonder what Katie has on her mind. She said something about Vanessa and Tyler... Maybe it's good news. Did she get them together? I hope so! They'd be such a cute couple!

*Knock. Knock.*

Shortly after Katie opens the door, greeting me, "Hey! Come on in!" As I walk in, I notice how much extra space that she has in her room. Wait, does she not have a roommate... There's only one set of furniture in here.

Confused, I ask, "Did you get a single room?"

"Yeah! Isn't it nice? I enjoy having my own space," she explains.

Agreeing with her, I respond, "No kidding! You have so much extra room in here. So, what's up? Did you get Vanessa and Tyler together?"

"Yeah... about that..." She trails off.

Again, confused I ask, " What do you mean? I thought we all agreed that they'd be perfect together. He almost kissed her."

"Very true. Very true. But I talked to Ben, one of his friends, at lunch today and he really didn't give me much encouragement about it. He said that Tyler has a history of being a player," She explained to me.

"What? Are you serious? I can't believe that from Tyler. He seems like such a sweetheart, not someone who sleeps around. Should we try to steer her away from him?" I respond.

She debates her response, "Well, to be honest, I'm not exactly sure. I was thinking that I should try to befriend Tyler and try to get some insight. Maybe I can get him to spill on thoughts on a relationship without mentioning Vanessa at all. The only issue is that I can't just go up to him and ask him that right off the bat. He'd suspect something."

"Yeah that's a fair point. I think that is our best bet. Is he in any of your classes? That would be any easy way to start off," I suggest.

"Actually, yes! He's in my statistics class. I can do that! Brilliant idea!" She gets excited.

*Beep. Beep.*

"Ooh! Who's that?" Katie inquired.

"It's Vanessa," I inform her.


Hey Ashley, did you want to go grab some food from the cafeteria?

After reading the text, I turned to Katie and asked, "Did you want to go down and get dinner with me and Vanessa?"

"Sure!" She exclaims.


Yeah for sure! Katie is gonna join us too, as long you're cool with that?


Of course!

(Katie's POV)

A few days later

Well we'll see what happens today. I have statistics with Tyler, and I sit right next to him. In all honesty, I don't know how I am going to go about bringing up the topic of relationships or more specifically Vanessa.

Arriving to stats, I find my spot and plop down in my seat. Tyler hadn't come yet. All I got to say is I hope he doesn't skip class. I know 9am classes can be rough, but still. I need to find more out about this guy for Vanessa's sake. Finally, he comes strutting into class. Oh gosh! He's one of those guys. He seems very cocky from just the way he walks.

Sitting down next to me, he starts talking first, "Hey, you're one of Vanessa's friends, right?" Yes! He's already on the topic and I don't even have to try that hard.

Smiling back, I respond, "Yes, I am. Oh I'm Katie by the way. You're Tyler, right?" I extend my hand out to shake his.

He sticks his hand out and shakes mine. "Yep! That would be me. So nice to know someone in this class because I'm awful at math! This way I can have a study partner if you're down," He suggests.

"I'd be cool with that, but we don't want to make your girlfriend jealous," I tease him.

He laughs and states, "Oh no need to worry about that one. I don't have a girlfriend right now."

"Really? Well I guess that is true then," I admit.

"There is a girl that I'll be keeping my eyes on though," he responds and smiles at me.

I get excited inside. Maybe it's Vanessa! "Seriously? Do you mind me asking who it is...?" I drag out the question.

Shaking his head while keeping that grin plastered to his face, he answers, "Maybe it's not the best for me to say quite yet. We'll see what happens after our studying for stats." Wait what? What does us studying for stats have anything to do with Vanessa and him? Guys! They're so confusing!

"Oh okay, yeah probably," I respond and half laugh.

After class

Gathering my belongings, I pick up my backpack and swing it over my shoulder. As I start for the door, I notice someone come up next to me. It's Tyler.

"Well this class doesn't seem too bad quite yet. I'm not completely lost," he admits.

"That is a plus. I can guarantee you that it will get worse though," I state. As we were out of the classroom, walking down the hallway, I tripped over my own and my life flashed before my eyes. It's weird though. I didn't feel my body make contact with the hard tile floor. Looking around at my surroundings I realized that Tyler had caught me, and I am currently being held in his arms.

"Are you okay?" He questions, while helping me regain my balance.

Pulling myself out of his arms, I assure him, "Yeah, I'm all good." As I continue walking down the hallway, my eyes meet with Vanessa's and she glares at me. Wait what? What did I do? She doesn't stop for me explain and continues past me. 


A/N: Hey guys!! I know it's been a lonnnnnnggggg time since I last updated this story, but I am back. Hope you liked this chapter! I apologize if it is kinda short. I just wanted to get something out there for you guys to read. Thanks!

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