0.15: Confirmation

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Two Weeks Later

Loni Jackson

"I'll hold you doowwwnnn" Aug sung in my ear being annoying

"Stop" I laughed turning over

It's been two weeks since I've broken up with Nik and since I've talked to him.. I still hadn't told him I was pregnant and didn't plan on it anytime soon because that meant seeing and talking to him on a daily basis! But as of now August was most definitely taking my mind off him..

Being with Aug was most different.. He showed me none stop love and affection, he made me smile and laugh all day and he did the sweetest things without me asking.. With Nik he loved me and made me smile but as for as him being romantic it was very rare unless it was our anniversary or birthday.. Nik showered me with gifts, but Aug showered me with love.

"I'm hungry" I stretched sitting up

"I can have my bodyguard bring us some food.. I just wanna lay up" He cuddled closer too me

"Awww" I smiled laying back down placing my head on his chest tracing his tattoos. "I have a interview tomorrow"

"You gon go public wit the situation between you and Take?"

"I mean it's already out there.. I just have to confirm it even though I don't want too" I sighed

"I know, but you got to and you need to tell him you pregnant.. I know he was wrong for what he did but he deserves too know he bout too be a dad"

"August... I'm not ready for him too know! I'm not ready to deal with him on that level.."

And I wasn't. Nik hurt me beyond words.. I had total trust in him and believed every word he said now he just makes a fool out of me by making me think he's loyal when he's not.

I got up and went to the bathroom taking a shower.. I was done with the conversation about him.. I would talk to him when the time was right.. now just wasn't that time.


"Talk to him! Pleaaaseeee!" Qua begged on his knees

"Why? Give me one good reason"

"Because you love me and Lucy.. come on, Lon! He over here looking like a sad lost puppy everyday cuz you won't talk to him.. say hey or sum to the nigga"

"That desperate?" I smirked messing wit him

"You ain't listening! Lulu!"

"Boy I'm right here" She walked in. "What y'all doing?"

"She won't talk to Nik.. she needs too! I mean we ain't been able to do that thang in a few days"

"She'll be talking too him real soon because he's walking in right now" She nodded towards the door

I sighed grabbing my keys and phone turning around only to bump into Nik

"We'll leave y'all too talk" Qua and Lucy walked out the kitchen

"I ain't got nothing to say to you"

"Lon.. hea me out please! I only slept with that girl once and that was it! We stayed in contact for a few days that's because she was threatening me! You gotta believe me"

"You couldn't tell me this?! I gave you everything Nik.. since day one I've been by your side and this is all I get in return? What did she have that I didn't?"

"Nothing!" He yelled. "She ain't got nothing on you"

"Then why'd you cheat?" I asked wanting too hear a honest answer

"I was high and drunk.. all I remember is waking up the next day.. I'm telling you the truth" He stepped closer to me. "I'm sorry"

"Nik, move!"

"Please tell me you forgive me" He wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me closer kissing my neck

"Nik stop" I cried pushing him off . "Don't ever talk to me again" I walked past him leaving..

I just can't deal with this right now

Kirshnick Ball

Since yesterday I've had a lot of shit on my mind.. Lon didn't want me talking to her ever again and that shit hurt me! I didn't know if she was saying it jus to say it or if she was being real.. I just wanted too make things right between us

I listened to her interview and she made it clear me and her was over! I knew soon I was going to be hit with endless questions and the shade room was gon try to release any information they could find but at this point I didn't care! The only thing I wanted was Loni back

"We all tried talking to her, but she won't budge" Unc walked in

"Ion know what else to do.. it's obvious she don't wanna be wit me anymo' maybe I should just let her go"

"You know you ain trynna do dat.. you love her too much. You just gotta keep tryin to get her back and let her know you ain't playing no games and once you get her back don't play wit ha" He told me

"What happened to my Unc that was a playa" I smirked

"I got a fiancé and I'm damn nea' thirty years old... I ain't trynna be a playa no more"  He waved me off

I laughed and shook my head. Unc was right.. I couldn't give up! I had to show her I was not about to just throw our relationship away because of my wrong doings.. I wasn't gon let her go that easy!

Awwwww!!! Nik ain't giving up on her easily!! Anyway what y'all think about this chapter? Y'all think Loni will take him back? How y'all feel on Unc speech? 😂😂 How y'all feeling bout Aug being real wit Loni? Lemme hear them thoughts!



What's y'all favorite Takeoff moment?? (Meaning photo or Video)

Mine is the video where Qua and Set was being goofy and when Qua put the camera on Take he was just like "Make Sure There's A Studio!" 😂😂😂 P R I C E L E S S

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