0.47: See You Soon!

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Loni Jackson.....

today was the day before the wedding and i was a bag of nerves!! My wedding dress was perfect and everything was going smoothly. I placed Keh on my hip and walked down the beach listening to her as she babbled away.. soon Nik joined us kissing my cheek.

"so, me and the guys are gonna just kick it in the suite tonight while y'all girls do yo thang"

"well you boys try not to get into much trouble" i smiled. "but there is something i wanted to talk to you about" i got serious

"Wassup?" He stopped giving me his full attention

"My mom is wanting too try and... rekindle some kind of relationship between me and my sisters.. I don't understand why she would do this day before the wedding!" I stressed

I made it more then clear too her that i was over trying to start up and fix our relationship and everytime she did me dirty! Now if my sisters wanted too then that was their call, but knowing them they probably didn't want too either! 

"You know how i feel about your mama already, but if you feel that way then i understand and I'm not making you do anything but maybe you just need closure on everything she did to you and your sisters! I'm not trying too go into a different life being happy and married with a family and drama following behind! Just try and talk with her and after that just leave it alone."

I sighed. "I don't know... what if its something i don't wanna hear?" 

"Sometimes you still need to listen even if its something you don't wanna hear" He shrugged walking ahead of me

I thought about what Nik said and he had a point but i don't understand why she would try and do this now... she's had multiple chances and she chooses now to be the time too talk and try to smooth things out! 

I pulled out my phone and sent her a message to call me in 5 minutes so i can go ahead and get this over with! I was ready too get her out of my hair once and for all!! 

After awhile I walked back into our room putting Keh down for her nap and pretty soon my phone rang... I quickly answered placing the phone too my ear! 

"Hello?" I answered my voice shaky

"Hey... Look i know I'm the last person you want to talk to right now, but i do wanna say this.." She paused for awhile before continuing. "I do understand you don't want me in your life or the girls and i respect that but i am sorry for the way things have been over the past couple of years and the way i treated you girls, but understand i just want the best for you guys and never meant to intentionally hurt you in anyway and i hope one day you can learn to forgive me" 

I stayed silent unsure of what too say.. 

"Maybe one day we can figure something out and move past this.. As for Geo and Liyah i can't speak for them they'll have to make that decision" 

"I understand! I'll see you guys soon!" 

She hung up and i just stood there.. i had the worst feeling in the pit of my stomach.. but just one question lingered in my mind...

What did she mean by she'll see us soon?




I walked with Nik to the elevators so he could go meet up with the guys and enjoy whatever they had planned for the night.. I was still thinking about what my mom said and I had to tell Nik before something bad happened.

"Whats wrong? You been quiet since you talked to your mama" He looked down at me 

"My mom.. earlier when we talked she apologized and asked to rekindle a relationship, but before she hung up she said she'll see us soon and I feel like at some point she could just pop up while were here" 

"She ain't that crazy.. I promise i ain't gon let nun happen too you, Keh or your sisters!" He kissed my head. "I love you"

I smiled. "I love you too!" 

He stepped on the elevator and i walked back to my room to wait on the girls... Maybe i was just overthinking 

I hope! 


I chilled with the fellas on the beach thinking about what Lon said.. I knew her mama wouldn't pop up here knowing what the consequences would be! I didn't want to stress about it and tomorrow is literally the best day of my life marrying my bestfriend! We've been through a lot, but i know for a fact she's the only one i want to spend the rest of my life with! 

"You good Nik? Getting Cold feet?" Unk joked 

"Nahh... Look Lon mama called her earlier trynna apologize and shit and she said sum that ain't sit right wit lon and it setting right wit me the more i think about it" 

"Well what she say?"

"Before she hung up she told lon 'She'll see us soon' And we both don't know what she mean by that but she may try and pop up tomorrow or anytime while were here and i just need ya'll too be alert"

"We gotcha! I promise you ain't nun gon happen"

I nodded and stared at the fire that was in front of us, I'm usually never worried about stuff like this because i can handle it, but i ain't need lon stressing and pregnant and then our wedding tomorrow.. I just wanted everything to go as smoothly as possible!

Pretty soon we finished up and headed back to the room. I texted lon for the last time checking on her and the girls too make sure everything with them was straight. I didn't get a reply so i assumed the way living they best life! 

We finished the night off playing video games and just vibing.. I didn't wanna do anything major and just wanted to be with family and friends the people closest to me without flashing lights in my face at a club and girls trynna push up on me! I didn't want to put myself in a situation of loosing lon at all! So this was the best route to take.. and for once i was happy but also scared, but i knew for a fact god got me by all means! 

Just needed to stay alert for Loni mama!

Sorry the chapter is soooo short! But The Next Chapter Is Going To Be The Last one!! But I will Be Working On The Boss's Daughter! So Stay Tuned For That! I do thank all of you that's been rocking with this story for over a year now and i can't wait to give you guys more! Love you guys soo much! STAY SWEET! 

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