0.18: No Love

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Kirshnick Ball

I sat in the doctors office with Loni while we waited to be called back. I received a couple of stares from a few of the girls and guys in the room and it made me a little uncomfortable in a way.. I mean I get stares all the time but this was just creepy

"Is it gon take longer?" I asked

"Hopefully not.. if you don't feel comfortable just wait outside and I'll text you when I get called back" She looked up at me running her thumb over my eyebrow

"Nahh.. ion want you up in here alone"

"Nik, you being paranoid.. I'll be fine"

"I know, but I'm not trynna take a chance" I leaned on her shoulder closing my eyes

"My big baby" She kissed my forehead

"Imma call Unc lata and tell him imma just have to miss our stu session tonight"

"Why?" She asked. "I hope it ain't because of me"

"Yes it is, I wanna spend the day in bed wit my lil baby"

And I did! I just wanted to chill with my baby which was something I hadn't been able to do in a minute.. I just wanted to stay in bed all day and cuddle up wit my girl.. no tv, no phone or nothing!

"Baby you know ho--"

"Loni Ball!" The nurse called cutting her off

I stood from my seat helping Loni up and following her too the back. Once we got to the room I sat in the chair while Lon sat on the table fiddling with her fingers

"So.. what's supposed to go on?" I asked

"You get to see our little baby.. hopefully he'll be able to tell us what we're having" She smiled

I nodded and leaned back in my seat waiting for the doctor to come on. After five minutes he walked in with a clipboard and a smile on his face

"Good afternoon! How's thing going with you, Loni?"

"Great! Everything has been going smoothly" She replied

"Good.. who's this?" He nodded towards me

"My boyfriend, Kirshnick.. Nik this is Doctor Smith"

"How are you?" He shook my hand

"I'm straight.."

"Alright.. let get started"

I got up and stood by Loni side while he got everything started. She leaned back lifting up her shirt revealing her belly that was sticking out.. she wasn't that far along but she was showing and it wasn't no way she could hide it

I was knocked out my thoughts when the room filled with a strange noise

"The hell is that?"

"That is your baby's heartbeat" Dr. Smith replied. "See the arms and legs" He pointed to the screen

This was really blowing my high!

"Is it supposed too look like that?" I asked still unsure of what I was looking at

"Yupp! She's only four months in.. we're not completely able to tell the sex right now, but by your next doctors visit we should be able too"

"Awesome! Does everything look okay tho?" Loni asked

"Everything looked fine!"

He finished up printing out our pictures and wiping off her stomach. I helped her sit up while she pulled her shirt down

"Let me get you a refill on your prenatal vitamins and you can set up your next appointment at the front desk before you go"

"Okay" We nodded

After getting everything sat up we left and headed to McDonald's then the bakery. We went inside and browsed around deciding on what we wanted

"Sum chocolate doughnuts and strawberries dipped in caramel sounds good" I licked my lips

"Orrrr doughnuts topped with fruit loops" She smiled

"You weird" I pushed her playfully. "But I gotcha.. how many you want?"

"Surprise me" She smirked

I chuckled lightly before telling the lady behind the counter what we wanted. I slide her a 50 and told her too keep the change I stood off to the side with Lon pecking her lips while we waited

"I love you" She smiled

"I love you too.. you know we taking a trip to Africa real soon.. I want you too come"

"We'll see"

I wrapped my arms around her and swayed us back and forth. I heard the bell ring indicating somebody was walking in.. I looked towards the door and saw Loni's mom

"The damn devil" I mumbled

She looked at us then proceeded telling the lady what she wanted. She got her stuff after paying and walked towards the door

"So you ain't gon say nothing to your daughter or acknowledge the fact you got a grandchild on the way?" I asked

"Ion know.. should I?"

"Baby just let it go!" Lon sighed

"Here you go ma'am"

The lady handed us our foods I walked out ahead of her cuz I ain't want nun to do wit her damn mama. I sat in the car while I watched them argue.. eventually she got in the car and told me she wanted to go home and that's just what we did..

Loni Jackson

I cuddled up to Nik while he kissed on my neck trying to make me forget about the incident with my mom but I couldn't! I mean she just acts like she never had kids! I don't get how you can treat your child like that

"Baby.. this is not how I wanted to spend the day" Nik sighed

"I'm sorry, but it just pisses me off she acts that way"

"You don't need to be getting yourself worked up.. you can't be stressing" He reminded me

"I know.. I mean I don't understand.. if she didn't want us why not just give us away" I sighed laying on his chest

"Nahh.. that ain't need to happen"

"Why?" I looked up at him

"Cuz I wouldn't have met you.. and I wouldn't be the luckiest man on earth"

I smiled kissing his lips

"You know you have a special way of brightening my whole mood"

"I'm glad I do cuz ion like it when my lil baby sad" He kissed my forehead

I smiled turning over as he wrapped his arm around me pulling me closer to him. I heard my phone vibrate on the nightstand I grabbed it seeing I had a text from Lucy

Your mom was in a car accident! Get to the hospital now!!

I'm busy right now! Ttyl ✌🏽

I turned my phone off placing it back on the nightstand closing my eyes while Nik rubbed my belly.

I wasn't stunting her at all!!

Mmmmm!! Imma just let y'all give me them thoughts on Loni mama!!



I know I am!!

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