0.38: Momma Drama

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Loni Jackson...

"What'd he say?" I asked Lucy on the phone while waiting on the clock to strike 2 am so my merchandise can finally be up to order offline

"He thought I was fucking with him at first, but he said he excited and that he really trynna make things right before the baby comes"

"Awwww!" I coo'd. "Y'all baby gon be so cute"

"Cute with a big ass fo'head" We Both laughed

"Anyway lemme get off this phone and tend to this. I'll talk to you later"

"Alright! Bye love"

She hung up and I gave my full attention to my laptop and Khari who was in my arms grabbing for anything she could. She was going on 3 and a half months and was just as energetic as ever and still a daddy's girl!

I heard the front door slam shut and foot steps coming up the stairs and I already knew that was Nik

"Daddy's home" I bounced her up and down as she laughed gumming on her fingers

"Hey baby" He came in kissing my head then K's

"I thought you was going to the after party wit the fellas"

"I was.. but I wanted to be here wit y'all" He gave me a small smile

I smiled handing Khari off too him as the time got closer for everything to be released. I was glad to be back on top of things with my makeup line and even posting more videos on my YouTube channel.

Soon everything was released and being bought quickly! I knew everything was going to be sold out before the sun could come up.. I got up going downstairs where Nik was with K warming up her bottle

"You know.. we ain talked about nun of this stuff for the wedding" He mentioned randomly

"We can talk about it later... I mean we do have to pick a date and everything" I shrugged leaning against the counter. "I'll have your mom come over later"

He nodded feeding K while she looked at his chains messing with them. When I say this girl gets into everything she gets into EVERYTHING!

"Baby girl gotta photoshoot in a few days" I reminded him

"I remember" He chuckled

I watched them interact with each other.. the way he looked at her would make anybody's heart melt.. she was everything to him and me. It's still hard to believe I had a baby and I'm a mom it's just all unreal.

I was knocked out my thoughts by Nik yelling. I looked up and saw Khari pulling his dreads I couldn't help but laugh she did it to Qua all the time so I knew it was a matter of time before she did it to Nik

"Come get her man" He smacked his lips sitting her bottle down

I laughed taking her from him as his phone started to ring. I placed her on my hip placing her bib around her neck. Nik answered his phone and it sounded like a lot of commotion on the other end

"Who did what?" He asked trynna listen to what whoever was telling him. "We on our way" he hung up

"What's wrong?" I asked

"We just need to get to the mansion" He walked out and from the sounds of it he was pissed

"Okay daddy" I mumbled smirking

Once we got to the mansion after dropping K off with Lucy everybody was gathered outside arguing with somebody and Nik's car with damage.. I mentally groaned hoping it wouldn't be my so called mother. He parked on the side of the street getting out with me following suit and just as I thought my mother was causing this shit

"Look at my fucking car!!!" Nik yelled

"Loni you bettah get yo momma!!" Domingo warned

"What the hell is your problem? Why the fuck you here causing trouble for?" I asked

"And messing up my shit!!" Nik yelled walking towards her

I stood in front of him to stop him and make a mental note to get the dick when we get home... this man is just too damn fine when he mad!

"Because of this bitch!" She pointed at me. "She's been making my life a living hell! She ran my husband away and she won't even let me see my grandchild!"

"Bitch is you crazy? After the shit you pulled you really think imma let you see her let along be around her? I don't want her around this or you!"

"You're gonna pay for all of this!" She warned storming off

I ran my fingers through my hair going into the mansion and into Nik's room sitting on the bed.. ion understand what her problem is but she needs to get her shit together
Pretty soon we were back home and Khari was sleeping peacefully. I straddled Nik's waist while he laid on the bed staring at the ceiling...

"I just need to relax" He finally spoke

"I gotchu..." I smirked

Kirshnick Ball....

I woke up to Lon laying on my chest sleeping peacefully. I still couldn't believe that shit her momma pulled last night especially messing up my shit! I should send her ass to jail since she wanna be bad.

I shook the thought shaking Loni gently until her eyes fluttered opening looking at me.

"Hmmmm" She groaned turning over

"You just gon sleep all day?" I smirked

"I'm tired and after the shit that happened last night I just wanna lay in bed all day wit my baby"

"Awwwe you wanna cuddle wit me"

"I'm talking bout Khari nigga!" She eyed me

I smacked my lips. "I know you was talm bout me too" I pulled her closer to me. "What you think she gon try to pull?"

"Probably anything she possibly can to hurt us.. mentally and physically"

I sighed kissing Lon's head thinking bout it.. she already went after Liyah.. she just gon keep coming for the ones that's close to us but not if I had sum to do wit it...

Loooong over due!! 😩 But gimme them thoughts! What y'all think Loni momma gon do ? What take got in mind ?🤔

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