0.28: Road To Recovery

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Kirshnick Ball

I sat between unk and Set in the waiting room while waiting on a update on Loni.. I feel that every bit of this is my fault because I should have talked to her.. I knew she was under a lot of stress and pressure but I didn't do anything! I ignored it thinking it would get better and it only lead to this..

"Loni Ball!" The Doctor walked out

"Yeah.." I stood up walking over to him. "Is my girl and baby alright?"

"Their both fine, but this was a suicide attempt so she's going to have to be watched at all times! I can recommend a fantastic--"

"No! I'll be the one too watch her.. if I can't I have other people that I know will watch her at all times" I cut him off

"If you insist.." He sighed

"Can we see her?" Set asked

"One at a time"

I let everybody else go then I went last.. I knew she wasn't going to say much to me but I had to find out why she would try to hurt herself especially while being pregnant!

I walked in her room and she sat in bed rubbing her stomach looking out the window.

"Hey" She looked up at me

"Why'd you do it?" I asked leaning against the wall

She shrugged. "I'm just tired of this.. My mom, wondering if my sister is going too make it.."

"It's goin to be alright.. Liyah gon pull thru, And you ain got a damn thing to worry bout wit yo mama!" I walked over to her sitting beside her. "I don't want you to ever pull sum shit like this again!" 

"Okay" She looked up at me and I could see the pain and hurt in her eyes..

"I'm gonna take care of you" I kissed her forehead holding her closer to me

I wasn't ready to let Loni go especially my daughter! It was a high risk for them both right now and I need them to be safe as possible so from here on out she's gon be by my side 24/7 365! I couldn't have her hurting herself ever again....


It's been a couple of days and Loni is out the hospital and Liyah has been making some progress! She's now breathing on her own but she hasn't woke up yet.. everything was slowly falling back into place but it was going to take some time for sure

"Hey babe" I kissed Loni's head as I walked into our house. "I got a surprise for you"

"What is it?"

"I wanted to surprise you on our anniversary, but I thought now would be better" I handed her the small velvet box

She opened it and a smile instantly spreaded across her face

"You got us a house!! Oh babe!" She hugged me kissing all over my face

"We can go see it tomorrow" I laughed kissing her forehead. "You gon love it"

"I love you, baby"

"I love you" I smiled

Loni Jackson

I walked inside our new house or should I say mansion behind Nik and it was beautiful!! It was already furnished and everything was already set up.. he even made sure the nursery was set up and it was beautiful! He choose rose gold and everything was set up for a princess...

I walked into our room and it was everything and more! He really knew how to make sure every single thing was perfect

"I love it! How long have you been working on this?"

"A few weeks wit the help of mama.. her and Heav set up the baby's room and everything" He leaned against the wall

"Well you guys did an amazing job" I kissed his cheek

"Oh! I got sum else to show you" He took my hand leading me back downstairs and down a hallway on the way to wherever we were going we passed his studio which was already set up

"Where are we going?"

"Here" He opened the door turning on the lights. "Instead of going to the strip club you can give me my own personal dance right here"

I laughed as I walked into the room and it was set up like a mini strip club.. I shook my head smiling, I don't know what I would do without Nik.. he was the light of my life and I loved him very much!

Heyyyyyyy guyyyyyss!! Did y'all miss me?!

I know I haven't been updating like I should but I've gotten a new boo in my life and y'all know how that goes.... anyyyyyyywhoooooo

What was yalls thoughts? I wanna know especially about Loni and her suicide stunt...


What's y'all favorite Takeoff moment from this book? 🤔🤔 I wanna know

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