A/n: Beginning Info

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Quick note: I recommend reading my first book before this one as this IS HTTYD 2 and not 1. For those of you who don't or haven't or need a recap, here's some much-needed information. Your dragon is called an Armor Blade. Her name is Nightshade and she looks like this.

Armor Blades have all different kinds of defense and fighting skills since their skin is smooth like a dolphin's, leaving them slightly more vulnerable to bite infections and such

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Armor Blades have all different kinds of defense and fighting skills since their skin is smooth like a dolphin's, leaving them slightly more vulnerable to bite infections and such. 

One defense is scaring or threatening their enemy. Right now in the picture, it looks normal, but if threatened two large pincer-like blades will come out of side glands on its head and it will make a noise (kind of like a Dilophosaurus spit nose from Jurrasic Park) at you while showing its bared snake-like fangs that will also come out along with two rows of smaller razor-sharp teeth. Vikings have been known to flee in terror at this horrifying glare until they became companions.

 Vikings have been known to flee in terror at this horrifying glare until they became companions

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Another defense involves its tails. In each tail above the bone is about a dozen large and highly poisonous darts that work like its fire shots. Over about a day's time, more darts will grow when it uses them all. It always has one at the ready though cause it can also use it to cut its enemy instead of shooting at it. It also has long razor-sharp blades along each tail and on the top of its wings. The last one is on its head. 

Its club-like tail ends can also do damage and serve as a warning. The heart-shaped part can change color depending on its mood or show various types of warnings to its attacker. It is also heavy and strong, so if you get hit with it, it'd mean one broken bone at least for a dragon, and probably broken spine or ribs for a Viking. 

Lastly are its giant single claws on its round feet. They were used for gripping onto rocks and slicing open the enemy. Not much was known about the dragon or how it behaved so it was put in the Mystery Class and it hasn't changed since they are still sneaky and mysterious creatures. This is what she looks like when her pincers come out along with her fangs.

The difference between male and female Armor Blades is that females have one horn on their head that is curved forward while males have two that are curved backward.

The other things you need to know are that you have 4 older quintuplet brothers and an older sister who is the oldest in the family. What I mean by that is that you and the brothers were all born together and your sister is 4 years older than you all. (More on that later.) 

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