Chapter 15

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You all soon arrived at Berk. The sun was just beginning to rise, but there was no beauty in it this time. You could see the massive swarm of dragons already and your heart fell. 

"Oh no..."

"He took all the dragons!" Fishlegs said. You saw the Bewilderbeast attacking Berk. You could also see Drago still on Toothless with your own dragons guarding him. You saw Nightshade among them. Just hang in there girl. I'm gonna free you. I promise. 

"Distract the Alpha. Try to keep his focus off of Toothless." Hiccup instructed. 

"" Tuff asked.

"Have you forgotten who you're riding with? There isn't a dragon alive that I can't wrangle!" Eret bragged, but then his dragon dove downward. "Except for this one!" You chuckled a little and so did the gang.

"Amateur." Snotlout mocked with a short laugh and you all kept going. You and your brothers and sister hurried toward Drago first. The Bewilderbeast spotted you and fell for your trick. It sent your dragons after you and you waited until they got closer.

"Scatter!" You shouted and you all split up, dragons chasing after you. Meanwhile, the gang distracted the Alpha by tossing sheep in front of him. Hiccup was making his way toward Toothless. You looked behind you and saw an angry Nightshade chasing you. You kept flying with the baby dragon, dodging her shots and keeping her distracted. I hope this works!

Hiccup's POV

I saw (Y/n) and her family distracting the guard dragons which happened to be their own dragons. They were each getting chased or being looked for. Some of her brothers had been able to distract the dragons by hiding and causing them to search for them. I didn't want (Y/n) doing something so risky, but we had no choice. I made it to Drago and Toothless.

"You certainly are hard to get rid of. I'll say that." Drago told me with a grin. I couldn't care less about him at the moment. I had to get Toothless back. 

"Toothless? It's me, bud. It's me. I'm right here. Come back to me." I began to talk to my buddy. I felt so horrible for how I had treated him before. I had blamed him, but it wasn't his fault. If I couldn't get him back now, I wouldn't have just failed myself or my village, I would be failing my best friend.

"He is not yours anymore. He belongs to the Alpha! But, please, oh great Dragon Master, try to take him. He will not miss a second time." Drago said. I noticed the Alpha got closer, but I remained focused on Toothless.

"It wasn't your fault, bud. They made you do it. You'd never hurt him. You'd never hurt me." I told him. I could tell he was struggling, but he was fighting it. I carefully reached out, placing my hand on his snout.

"How are you doing that?" Drago asked me, but I said nothing to him.

"Please. You are my best friend, bud." I told him. He almost broke it, but the Alpha concentrated on him again and his eyes narrowed. "My best friend," I whispered to him. Toothless shook his head with a grunt and his eyes went back to normal. He smiled his goofy toothless smile at me. I smiled back. "Atta boy! That's it! I'm here!" I encouraged. He stretched his head out toward me happily, but Drago lashed out. 

"No!" He hit Toothless with the bullhook, but Toothless reacted faster the second time. He grabbed the hook and yanked Drago off of him. He screamed as he fell and I was ecstatic.

"Yeah!" I cheered. Then, Toothless began to fall, now having no rider to help him fly. I jumped after him. "Hang on! Almost there, buddy. Almost there!" I called as he looked at me worriedly. I was able to grab him and we pulled up together just in time. I could hear my people cheering for me, but that wasn't important right now.

"Do something!" I heard Drago shout.

"We need to get those two apart," I told Toothless. I spotted something we could use. We dodged an ice blast and I ripped off a piece of a red flag. "We gotta block him out, Toothless. Do you trust me, bud?" I asked, holding up the flag piece. He cooed at me and I tied it around his eyes. "We can do this. You and me. As one." I told him. "That's it. Now let's try this one more time!" We both headed back toward Drago. 

"Take control of it!" I heard Drago shout. I covered Toothless'...ears? I don't know, but close enough. We can do this. I trust you, bud.

"Shut it out, Toothless," I told him.


"NOW!" I shouted. I locked his tail and Toothless flew past Drago as I split from him. I flew past him, spraying Zippleback gas along the way. I lit it and it blew Drago off the Alpha. I notice that I'm gliding toward the tail again.

"Not again." I groaned. "TOOTHLESS! IT'S NOW OR NEVER!" Toothless caught me and we were able to dodge the tail. "Yeah!! We did it!" I said, giving Toothless a scratch on the side of his head. He looked happy and we flew back down toward Drago. I through my Inferno, stopping him from grabbing his bullhook. "Hold him there, Toothless. It's all over now." Then, I saw Drago spot something behind me. He grinned.

"You should've been paying attention, boy." I was confused. I turned and I felt my heart stop. No...

Your POV

You saw that Hiccup had freed Toothless. You smiled, proud and pleased. It had worked! Now it was time to try and help the rest of the dragons. 

You had lost Nightshade luckily. You'd hid behind some of the houses before taking back to the air and that had made her lose you. You were watching Hiccup. He was able to separate Drago from the Alpha. You couldn't express your pride in him. 

"That's my Hiccup." I knew you could do it. 

Then, out of the corner of your eye, you noticed that Carl was still on his own baby dragon, fleeing from Shiverwater. Shiverwater got her tail ready to strike. You knew she was going to shoot a dart at him. Carl wasn't looking back, too focused on trying to outfly her. You didn't think. You didn't have time to think. You flew toward him as fast as you could and flew in front of Shiverwater. Carl noticed this.

"Sis, no!" Too late. Shiverwater fired one of her darts at you. You had been fast enough to protect Carl....but not yourself. The dart penetrated your body and you froze. Everything had happened so fast, but now it felt like you were in water. It felt like the world had stopped spinning as time slowed down. First, you were too shocked to even begin to think. Then, your mind was hazy. You were falling. Your vision was blurry. You heard a scream. Someone was screaming your name, but you couldn't tell who. Then, you heard a roar and you saw a flash of purple. Suddenly, you were no longer falling. You were flying somehow. Then, you were on the ground. You felt something nuzzling you. You kept hearing whimpers and worried barks. Your eyes focused a little and you came face to face with Nightshade. She looked scared and she was nudging you anxiously. Your lips tugged into a little smile.

"N-Nightshade..." Your voice was hardly a whisper. She nuzzled your cheek with her head, whimpering as if apologizing to you. You were able to lift your hand to pet her head, but your hand was mostly resting against her head. "Y-you're a good girl..." You whispered to her. "You've always been my good girl..." You couldn't keep your eyes open any longer. Your body went numb as the world around you faded away.

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