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Rose knew the moment the lie flew flawlessly passed her lips that she would grow to regret it. But in that moment she would have done anything to ease his pain. No point in both of them being heartbroken, he had a universe to save after all. And no matter how heavily the guilt weighed in her own heart she knew that if she had the chance to take the words back, she wouldn't. The look of complete and utter heartbreak, loss, pain and longing on his face - as if his entire universe was falling apart right in front of him and he watched its destruction helplessly - was too much to even bare witness to.

She would do it all over again, if she had to. She argued with herself.

"No. It's mum, she's three months gone, more Tylers on the way." Those words echoed around her head as though carried in whispers on the winds that whipped the air around her. Constantly taunting her with the fact, that some of the last words she ever uttered to the man she loved, were a lie.

Rose drew in a shaky breath and gulped back the inevitable sobs as she stood stock still, transfixed on the spot where the Doctor had once stood but had only moments ago, disappeared from. A shaky hand slowly dislodged itself from its grip on her hair to cover the first sob that slipped from parted lips.

She could hear the sound of rhythmic thumping on the thick, wet and heavy sand as feet quickly approached her. The familiar feel of her mother's arms engulfing her, was all it took for the dam she had so carefully constructed to come crumbling down. Once she had started it was almost impossible to stop the tears from flowing.

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