Chapter 8

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Cody was in the kitchen. With a purpose he fingered through the cabinets. There was no telling when his parents would be home, so he worked like every second was the last.

He ran to his room realizing the backpack he had would not be big enough. He threw it in the closet. A couple years ago, Cody's father had gotten him a large camouflage backpack, Cody never wore it because he wasn't into that kinda stuff. Now it was everything he ever dreamed of as he pulled it out and wiped off the dust.

Cody ran back to the kitchen, backpack in hand. He grabbed the things he told Hannah and Juliane to also get-canned vegetables, crackers, and other non-perishable food items. His hand landed on a box of chocolate Cheerios. They were always his favorite.

Stuffing the chocolate Cheerios in the bag, he moved on to the next cabinet. Medicine. They were going to need that. He grabbed Band-Aids, gauze, ibuprofen, and an assortment of other pills and materials that would help them.

He was starting to sweat now as he filled the backpack with items, causing it to become heavier and heavier. He unzipped another pocket as soon as one became full. He was missing one thing, clothes.

There was no way he could accommodate a couple of changes of clothes into this bag, it simply would not fit. So he went back to his room and filled his other backpack with them.

He grabbed two pairs of jeans and some long sleeve shirts. He packed clothes that would be expected for cold weather, but if it be needed he could always transform something into cutoffs with a pocketknife.

He paced around. What else do I need? He thought. He needed a sleeping bag.

In the supply closest in the hall was where the camping equipment was kept. He opened the door and found a sleeping bag and fire starter. He took both. He knew a person could never over-prepare for something like this.

The sleeping bag was extra large. Ten feet long and red, it would be enough for him, Juliane, and Hannah to all fit in.

Then he remembered that he needed to call Juliane. He ran to his room for a third time and took his phone from the dresser, dialing her number as he had routinely done many times before.

"Juliane?" He said inquisitively. It rang only once before the call was accepted,

"Hey I'm here," she replied, "Do you have your stuff ready?"

"Yeah I do and you better have packed for the worst, just in case things go wrong," Cody said.

"I did, I also talked to Hannah. She's packed and ready to go also!" Juliane said excitedly.

"How did you guys manage to do th-" said Cody, which he meant to keep to himself. It was something better left to mystery.

"My dad was asleep. I believe he passed out from drinking too much," Juliane said with mixed emotions.

"Listen I think I hear my parents. Make sure you tell yours that you won't be home until seven tomorrow, so we'll have a head start. Goodbye Juliane!" Cody said.

Cody heard the door open. He quickly took the backpacks to his room as well as the sleeping bag and threw them under his bed.

"We're home son," his dad said without feeling.

"Okay dad I'll be out in a second! I'm just putting up my textbooks!" Cody said. He lied a lot, even for a teenager, but he never felt guilty.

Cody came out of his room and was trying to listen to what his dad had to say, but he was blinded by the thought of how it seemed like God was on his side.

That night he lay in bed, staring at the ceiling without moving. He couldn't sleep because of tomorrow. He thought about the backpacks, he couldn't just carry those out tomorrow morning and allowing everyone to notice.

Cody slipped out of bed and into his house shoes. Dragging the backpacks out from under the bed, he proceeded to take them outside.

The wood floors echoed as Cody attempted to quietly walk across them to go outside. He struggled to carry the camouflage bag in one hand and the sleeping bag in the other. There was no need to take the other backpack on this mission because he would regularly wear it to school.

Finally, he approached the door to the front yard. He carefully twisted the deadbolt, causing the pins on the inside to turn, thus unlocking the door.

He rushed across the patio and slipped the camouflage backpack and the sleeping bag on the other side of the gate between two bushes. With that he went back inside. He turned the deadbolt again and sneaked back to his room.

For the rest of the night he tossed and turned fitfully, knowing that tomorrow was his revolution and the thing he'd been waiting for.

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