Love Triangle

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Rachel's P.O.V

I walk over to Frank's RV, eager to get in out of the cold as I knock on the door a couple of times. "Hey Frankie, it's me Rachel, you gonna let me in before I freeze to death out here?" I ask loudly, hoping that he had heard me. I wait for him to open the door and hope that he hadn't gotten too drunk or high that he fell asleep. Fuck this, he usually leaves the door open anyway. I push the door a little forcefully and luckily for me, it opens. Jackpot. The strong familiar smell of smoke hits my nostrils as I take a few steps into the RV, closing the door quietly behind me as I look around and spot Frank asleep on the couch, a half empty beer bottle in his hand. I roll my eyes at the sight. Typical.

Pompidou must of heard me come into the RV since he ran out of Frank's bedroom to see what was going on. When he sees me he immediately runs over and jumps up, wanting attention. I smile and kneel down next to him, patting his head gently. "Good boy, Pompidou.." I whisper to him. I don't know why so many people are scared of him, he seems tough on the outside but he's just a big softie, kind of like his owner. Speaking of, Frank is still snoring on the couch, I need to wake him up if I want something to help me take my mind off what happened with Chloe earlier. I just hope Frank is in a good enough mood to give me anything.

I hesitantly walk over to the couch, removing the beer bottle from Frank's hand and placing it down onto the kitchen counter, looking back at him. "Frank come on, wake up.." I whisper to him, placing gentle kisses on his cheek to try and wake him up. It works and Frank flinches slightly, opening his eyes to look at me before he rubs his eyes and passes a hand through his already messed up hair. "Jeez, haven't you ever heard of knocking before entering?" He asks me, sounding annoyed even though I knew he wasn't. He could never stay annoyed at me for too long. "I did knock. In fact I knocked about twelve times and if you weren't too hungover you would of heard me." I say with a smug smirk, sitting on the couch next to him.

Frank just sighs and looks at me with a curious look on his face. He knows that I want something. "So why are you here? I'm guessing you want your normal supply of pot, am I right?" He asks, raising an eyebrow. I just smile innocently at him and reach up to trail a finger across his jawline, looking him deep in the eyes. "Mhm, help me out? I'll make it worth your while, you know I always do.." I whisper as I lean closer to him to give him a soft kiss on the lips. I find it entertaining how he always kisses back straight away without a second thought. It always pisses him off when I pull away as soon as he has the chance to deepen the kiss though. 

I giggle when I hear him groan as I pull away . "You're a real tease, you know that? Fine, take whatever's left in that cupboard over there." Frank mumbles as he points to a cupboard near the back of his RV. I nod and get up, walking over to the cupboard and opening it. There's four bags of pot left. Perfect, that should last me for a while. "Thanks Frankie, you're the best." I say as I sat beside him again, smiling. Frank looks me in the eyes and for a split second I think I can see hurt in his eyes. "Frank, what's wrong?" I ask with concern in my voice.

Frank stays quiet for a few moments. He looks confused and a little sad as he asks me just louder than a whisper, "Rachel, do you really love me or do you just say that to keep me interested? There's times when I think you just use me to get what you want because you know I'd do anything for you.." As soon as he asks me that question my heart stutters a little and I kind of freeze up, not knowing what to say. It's a difficult question. I do love him, I really do. But the problem is that I also love Chloe. Frank makes me feel safe and needed, but Chloe makes me feel at home wherever we go together. It's all one big fucked up love triangle which I can't get out of without hurting one of them. I know I shouldn't be doing this, cheating is wrong, but I don't know how to get out of this situation. It's a good thing neither one of them know about the other for now. That would be HELLA bad.

"Of course I love you, you big idiot. Haven't I already proved that? Look, how about I come back here after the party tonight and we can talk? We can watch a movie and just have a romantic night all to ourselves." I say with a slight smile, wanting to reassure him even though I can't really reassure myself. He seems to believe me though because he smiles and nods his head. "I'll be looking forward to that then." He says as he leans closer to me, giving me a gentle kiss on the forehead.

I smile back at him before I get up. "I'll see you later Frankie B, don't miss me too much while I'm gone." I say as I wink at him, walking towards the door and patting Pompidou's head before I leave the RV, closing the door behind me. I frown as soon as I get outside, starting to walk towards the Vortex club feeling even more guilty than ever. Sometimes I wonder what people see in me. I bet they see this perfect popular girl with the perfect life and a lot of friends and a lot of money. Little do they know how much of a mess I really am. Sometimes I even hate myself for what I'm doing to Chloe and Frank, they both deserve better. I try to stop these thoughts as I approach the Vortex club. I can already hear the loud music booming from inside the club. Maybe this party will help me forget everything for even just a while..

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