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He led me through a crowded parking lot not to some sleep sports or luxury car but rather to a large truck that required me to climb into the passenger seat with Romans assistance before he walked around to the other side and slid in without problem. The leather seats were clean and soft as I took in the size of the cab, it was roomier than ones I had been in the past and even had a bench seat behind ours which allowed for more passengers. The dashboard lit up as the truck roared to life with different buttons and screens for all the different features I'm sure the truck had, and I looked to Roman with an amused smile and raised brow. He flashed me a guilty smile. "I will admit... My truck is my baby, I may have splurged a little when I bought it."

"You don't have to justify yourself to me." I said shaking my head and surprise flickered in his eyes as his smile softened, and he nodded before turning his attention on getting the beast moving. The truck was larger than anything I had driven in my life and I was sure that I would have hit at least three other vehicles trying to maneuver it from the parking lot. He did it like had seemed to do everything though, calmly and with a confidence not a lot of people carried.

We fell into a comfortable silence as he drove in an unfamiliar direction, even in all the months I had been living here I hadn't really adventured out to explore it, which was why Vika had been so adamant lately about getting me out of the house. I had never been in the little suburb he was winding further and further into until the houses became more and more spaced apart. Until eventually he pulled into a long drive way that wound back to a house far enough the road that it would have been easy to miss in the darkness of the night. He pulled into a dark attached garage that was hard to decipher just how big it really was in only the head light.

"Stay in the truck I have tools everywhere in here I don't want you to trip over something." He said before sliding out and the next thing I knew my door was swinging open and he held out a hand to me, helping me out of the truck before the lights flickered on revealing a large and open work space. There were tool benches, shelving, and tall containers with pull out drawers lining the walls. There were a few larger tools and pieces of equipment scattered between the truck and the door that was a few feet away that I assumed led into the house, but it was nothing that would have gotten in my way. As I scanned a little further I found the frame of motorcycle perched closer to the tool benches and made my way towards it. It was a project bike that was for sure, some parts were a shiny chrome that looked brand new then there were parts that were dingy and rusty that looked like they needed replaced.

"You're into bikes?" I asked as I inspected a little further.

"I am, I haven't ridden in years been working on this here in my free time."

"You've been working on this for years?"

"No." He said chuckling a he shook his head. "I've had this for about 6 months, I thought I would have it done by now but..." He trailed off with a shrug.

"What's keeping you from finishing it?"

"One of my managers quit and I have been pulling a little more weight trying to keep the place running and find a replacement."

"Sounds hectic."

"It can be. I'm hoping that situation corrects itself fairly soon."

"I'm sure it will."

He nodded his agreement before motioning to the door. "Would you like to come in?"

I found myself surprised once more as we stepped into his simple single level home. We entered through the door to a wide and open space that consisted of a very modern kitchen with sleek stainless-steel appliances and a large island with granite counter top. On the far wall close to a set of French doors that looked as though they led out to a desk sat a larger kitchen table that looked like it could hold eight places. The living room had a simple leather sectional that sat in front of a large flat screen television that had been mounted onto the walls that were colored a simply but beautiful blue gray color. There wasn't much in the way of decorations that made it obvious a woman's touch was sorely lacking in his home but overall it was clean, sleek and very comfortable. "Your home is beautiful."

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