Ch. 9

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I had finished unpacking as much as I willing to get through for the day before stuffing the last couple of boxes into the back of the closet to go through a little bit later, I had made food trying to draw him out, but he had waved me off saying he would be out in a bit. Discouraged I had gone and gotten a shower and then settled onto the couch flipping through the television mindlessly. I wasn't one of those people who needed the constant attention of their partner, he was a business man his world was constantly busy. He had told me some of what his schedule was like through the time we had been talking and his hours ran long which made his days even longer. It was a little strange to be relaxing into the sectional without him, but it wasn't uncomfortable, the longer I laid there the more I felt myself begin to doze in and out of sleep.

I must have fallen asleep at some point because the feeling of someone lifting me into their arms had me gasping as I jerked awake and attempted to scramble away but Roman tightened his arms around me and murmured a quiet reassurance. "You scared me." I murmured as I settled back against him.

"I'm sorry baby I didn't mean to be this late."

"It's all right. Did you get everything figured out?" I tried again, and he gave a short nod without looking at me before heading in the direction of the bedroom. "Are we leaving?" Again, I only received a nod in response and I fell silent as I studied him. It was obvious he wasn't comfortable with whatever plans he was making so I didn't understand why he was making them. "Where are we going?" I asked as he settled me onto the mattress before beginning to strip out of his own clothing. He didn't respond until he was down to a pair of black boxers and then climbed in beside me where he was able to tuck me against his chest. I remained silent letting him work out whatever was going through that mind of his before he let out a deep and exhausted sounding sigh.

"We are going back to my pack."

"I thought you said you aren't an Alpha?" I asked confused.

"I'm not."

"Then if you have a pack why don't you live with them?"

"It's a long story." He grumbled shaking his head.

Pushing up onto my elbow I stared down at him with a raised brow. "Really, a long story? Have you seen my life in the last week?"

"It isn't the same Adalyn."

"Even still, you never really talk about yourself."

"I talk about myself all of the time."

"You know what I mean." I grumbled in frustration before curling myself back into his side. Laying my head on his chest as I explained. "You don't talk about your life before here ever. I would just like to know more about you, but I will leave it alone."

He remained quiet for so long that I almost thought he truly wasn't going to answer me but eventually began speaking in a low and painful tone. I had never heard him talk in such a way and my heart immediately went out to him, I tried to push myself up to look at him while he spoke, but he tightened his arms pinning me in the spot I was. It was obviously easier for him talk so I relaxed against him once more and listened.

"I have been alone a long time Adalyn, but I am sure you have figured that out by now. My father and I have never seen eye to eye, from a very early age we clashed but I always tried to keep it behind closed doors. I tried hard to respect him as the Alpha in public, not to undermine him but we argued a lot behind closed doors. When he started talking about trying to take over another packs territory I couldn't let that happen. We were a small pack we didn't have those kinds of warriors it would never be successful. That was the first time our argument ever got physical. He lost." He trailed off and it took me a moment to look outside of the fact that he and his father had gotten into a physical altercation and realize just what it meant that his father had lost to him.

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