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I sat staring at the door for a long time, hoping for him to walk back inside and explain to me what in the hell had just happened, and the longer he didn't the worse I felt. I eventually crawled out of the blankets and went to dig through the bag I had packed for something to sleep in. All I really wanted to do was slide into one of his T-shirts so that I would at least be surrounded by the scent of him, but I wouldn't give him the satisfaction of knowing how much his absence affected me should he ever decide to return. I didn't understand what had happened, all the conversations we had about bonding, about marking, about most things in general he had always said pretty much the same thing. We would take things at our own pace, at a pace that I was comfortable with but when I had made a move to show him my feelings in return he bolted. I hadn't thought he was that kind of man, to bolt from commitment especially considering he had already marked me but I guess in the end I had been wrong.

I was leaning against the headboard of with my knees drawn to my chest as I laid my chin against them when the door swung open and Roman stalked back inside anger still radiating from around him. When he found me awake and leaning against the headboard he paused to stare at me in surprise and I glared at him. "What in the hell is wrong with you?!" I demanded.

"Nothing is wrong with me."

"If you didn't want to be mated to me all you had to do was say so!" I snarled as I shoved to my feet and the snarl that came from him sent a tremble of fear through me but did nothing to diminish my anger. When he tried to move towards me I shook my head and moved backwards. "Don't touch me!"

It seemed to click to him at this point that I was mad as well as he seemed to blink in surprise. "Adalyn..." He began but trailed off when I didn't back down and instead held onto my anger as I continued to glare at him.

"Adalyn what?" I snapped. "Are you going to explain what in the hell just happened?"

"I know my mom said something to you about us, I'm not stupid and I don't want this just because you feel pressure into it!" He snapped.

"What are you talking about pressure me into it? Your mom never said a word about marking!"

"What?" His tone in his response led me to believe he was genuinely surprised at my words.

"She said you were happy and that she was glad after all of this time being alone you finally had someone! She didn't say two words about our bond!"

"So, you trying to mark me had nothing to do with my mom, with being here, with everything I told you about my father?" It was a question, and it was one that he meant going by the expression on his face he was truly surprised. His words from earlier rang through mind. I don't need your pity! Suddenly it made sense, he had thought that I had been trying to mark him simply because I felt bad for him and the situation that he was in, or had been talked into it by his mother. My heart broke at the realization that he felt like I couldn't possibly want to be with him outside of those reasons, and it was all because of what had happened with his father. Even as my heart went out to him I could bring myself to pull back my anger. Regardless of the reason behind why he had felt that way it didn't change the fact that rather than simply ask me, or talk to me about it he had shoved me away and run.

"No, you asshole!" I cried as I felt tears spring forward now as I remembered the feeling of rejection that had speared through me. "You just assumed that I would mark you because I feel sorry for you?"

"Adalyn baby."

"Don't you dare baby me right now!" He winced at my tone, but I couldn't bring myself to be bothered by it. "I know that I haven't said how I have felt but I figured you would be able to see what is right in front of you! Your mother saw it how could you not?" I cried swiping the tears that began to spill down my cheeks away in frustration. I didn't want to cry because I didn't want him to see how much his walking away had affected me.

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