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Letting Roman leave without me had been harder than I had anticipated and had soured my mood quicker than anything ever had in my life before which I hated. The night before had been fantastic, we had gone out with Daven and Robin for dinner and had stayed rather late enjoying a few drinks as we all talked and laughed. They told me stories of what it was like growing up in a pack and I found myself listening in fascination. They had all been shifting since a younger age and had been spending time together as wolves for years, it was also when I learned that Robin and Daven had a deeper history than I had initially realized. She had said that they had been mated for a year, but they had been together off and of for a lot longer than that. Though neither had mentioned what had taken them so long to solidify their relationship it was obvious they were happy with one another. They looked at one another like the sun rose and set around the other, to my it made sense, I knew how strongly I felt for Roman, I could only imagine what it would be like in a few years.

Even if I was kicking myself now for feeling as I did right now in his absence I wouldn't trade the bond I had with him. I had tried to spend my time distracting myself with Sylvie but had felt my temper growing short for no reason and didn't want to risk taking it out on her even as she seemed to understand my fowl mood. So instead I had retreated outside and had shifted letting my wolf take the reigns for a little while, she was pining as well, angry that we had let ourselves be talked into staying home. When the run didn't help either I eventually just wondered out way back to our bedroom and forced myself into a fitful sleep.

It was late in the afternoon the next day when I finally forced myself out of bed once more and even then, it was only the threat of bodily harm through a text from Robin who demanded I meet her for coffee before her shift. I'd received a text from Roman letting me know he had gotten there safe but hadn't heard anything since, but I knew he was busy. He told me he had crammed a lot of meetings as close as he could manage to keep from having to remain there long so that didn't leave him a lot of leisure time to have conversation. Knowing that I couldn't sit here and wallow like a brat just because my mate had gone away for a couple of days, so I had agreed to meet with Robin and by the time I had showered and forced myself into my normal routine I felt a lot better.

I sent a text to Sylvie letting her know that I would be leaving so that she didn't come home to just find me missing, I had heard her leave earlier that day but the moment I stepped from the bedroom I heard the faint clicking sound of a door clicking into place and froze as light foot steps made their way into the kitchen. Frowning I crept slowly toward the stairs and listened closely to the lower level of the house, if it was Sylvie coming home she wouldn't have gone through such efforts to keep herself silent. I felt a tremor rack my body as my wolf came forefront to my mine every instinct in me telling me something was wrong. I felt a rush of panic race through me at the thought of what could be waiting for me down there and just what I was going to do about it.

Shaking my head, I took a deep and calming breath before centering myself and my wolf before we continued down the stairs as if there were nothing wrong. I was on high alert, every instinct I had reaching out around and for any sign of danger and the first sign I caught sent ice rushing through my veins as I fought back a vicious curse. Felix was somewhere in the house, here I was alone with not even Sylvie to put distance between us. I moved towards the door the moment I reached the bottom of the stairs hoping to get out of the house before he realized that it was just him and I.

"Ah there you are." He grumbled from behind me just before I reached the door and I froze before stiffening and slowly turning to find him standing in the doorway between the living room and dining room his wide arms crossed over his chest as he pinned me with a satisfied smile. Suddenly I realized him catching me alone hadn't happened by accident.

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