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Sylvie kicked Felix out of the house until we were moved, she had sent him packing sometime in the night, before I had managed to roll out of bed late that morning and told him he wasn't to step one foot into this house. She had told only me that she was making him wait until we decided where we were going to live, and it was also there that she apologized for Felix's actions. I reassure her that none of this was her fault and no one would ever blame her, he was her mate and she loved him that was all that needed to be said. Sylvie had seemed to relax at my reassurances, seemingly grateful that someone had finally told her they understood and suddenly I was sure this wasn't the same conversation she had had with others.

That conversation had triggered a thought I hadn't had in all the time that we had been talking about possibly moving here. Where would we live? Of course, Roman being Roman, was already two steps ahead of me and had scheduled an appointment with a realtor to begin touring houses. He had also hired a moving company once more for the things back home but there was some paperwork that he had to go take care of in person which had led to our next argument.

"I'm going alone."

"Excuse me?" I asked as I turned my full attention to him from where I had been unpacking the things we had already brought with us into the dresser and closet. He had come into the bedroom to talk to me about the movers and the paperwork while I had been in the middle of it.

"There is a strong chance your parents are going to be there, I'm not taking you off pack lands."

"Like hell I'm staying here while you go back!" I snapped, and he tensed as his own anger flared to life at my tone.

"This isn't a discussion!"

"You may get to boss everyone else around, but you are not going to do it to me! I am your mate not your pack member!"

"You are both and this is not a discussion. I am leaving tomorrow afternoon and I won't be gone long, one maybe two days at the most." There was a full command in his voice I could hear it ringing through his tone and felt my entire body stiffen as I glared at him silently. I understood his intentions and while they were good intentions and I loved him for wanting to protect me, I was not glass and I wasn't fragile. I wouldn't buckle under the pressure of seeing my parents and I knew they wouldn't hurt me, so I was going to keep them from hurting Roman. I wouldn't be able to do that from here, not only that, but I honestly did not want to face the separation again, we had been through it twice already, each time with only hours, not days. It was uncomfortable, it was irritating, and it left me feeling out of control which was a feeling I did not enjoy, but if it was something he wanted to face again then fine. Shaking my head, I bit back my response and instead shut he bag I had been working on before placing it back on the closet floor before turning on my heel to stalk in the direction of the door. Roman tried to catch my arm to stop me but I evaded his grasp and continued down to the front door before shutting it firmly behind me.

I didn't have a particular place in mind as to where I was going; I just knew I needed to get away from him and that tone of voice. If he felt the need to bark orders around then he could remain with the pack members who followed them so well, I wasn't going to be a mindless pawn in this relationship. I would either be a partner and an equal or I wouldn't be anything at all and that's all there was to it. I knew there was a risk in both of us going back, with the threat of my parents hovering in the back ground and maybe it would be safer for me to stay here but I couldn't let him walk into that situation by himself. I didn't want him to walk into that situation by himself. I knew deep down that majority of my anger was coming from the fact that I didn't want to go through that separation again. The couple of days he had been busy with Gavin had been rough and temperamental and that had been with him in bed at night. I couldn't imagine how it would be without seeing him at all.

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