[ Chapter 2 ]

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 *Kakashi's POV*

   My eyes must be fooling me... there's a dragon sitting right in front of me. "My name's Suska." It introduced itself, politely holding out its front left hand/paw/thingy for a handshake. Its voice was feminine, so I'm going to assume that it's a girl. 

 "How and why are you in my house?!" I questioned rudely. Despite great effort, my panic was evident, with a bit of childish curiosity mixed in. Her black paw lowered before it fell to the floor, her terrifying smile faded. I had to be honest with myself, I felt guilty hurting her feelings. How cool is it that a fucking DRAGON is here, with me?! Before I could apologize to the beautiful lizard, she started speaking.

 "I snuck in after smelling heavenly scented food, I must say you are a fabulous chef!" I could help but blush at the compliment, thank God that I had my mask on. "The main reason I'm here, in this land, is unknown to me. You see, I was walking around with Nuke, my pet snake when we were hit by lightning. I woke up and, BOOM I'm now a dragon! Dream come true! ..... I miss Nuke..." Her eyes morphed from joy to sadness, accompanied by tears.

 I wrapped my pale arms around her long neck, attempting, and probably failing, to give the beast a comforting hug. I won't tell anyone the truth, the fact that I love hugs. She nuzzled her scaled muzzle against my clothed back, and I continued to 'cuddle' Suska until a thought hit me. "You said that you became a dragon, so were you previously a human?" We separated and our eyes met.

 "Yes, I actually was human once, it was horrible, a very horrid experience." She seemed to chuckle at that thought before a spark of excitement appeared in her eyes. "Do you have anywhere secluded from any other humans? I wanna try something that I saw in a video game!" Her onyx lips pulled back into a grin, revealing sharp, pearly-white fangs. I silently nodded, very confused.

* Suska's POV *

 This better work, I haven't memorized every one of Skyrim's thu'ums just to never be able to use them! Kakashi had brought me to the Forest of Death, the perfect place to test this out in solitude. He stood twenty feet behind me, leaning against the trunk of a tree. Taking a deep inhale, I mentally prepared to use the Fire Breath shout. "Yol Toor Shul!!!" To my excitement and slight surprise, my mighty roar was accompanied by a large flame that would put Madara's fire styles to shame. "YESSS, MY DREAM HAS COME TRUE!!!!"In the corner of my right eye, I saw a small smile grow on Kakashi's masked face.

 After practising almost every thu'um that ever existed, including Alduin's signature meteor skies shout, my favourite silverette decided that it was time to go home. Awesomely enough, either since I was a dovah or this reality is different from Skyrim's, there was no cooldown between each shout! With each thu'um I used, Kakashi's happiness increased dramatically. As we walked home, more like I since he was lying on my back, he wrapped his arms around my neck. "You know, our relationship as friends has drastically improved over a period of only hours." I pointed out.

 "I guess you're right. I couldn't help it though, you're really amazing and loveable!" I couldn't stop my blush and responded back with 'Most would disagree, but thanks, I could say the same things about you!' "SInce you know that invisibility thu'um thing, you should come with me when I go on my missions! We are doing a D-Rank tomorrow, so that's the perfect opportunity to test whether or not anyone will be able to detect you! If it works out, you can stay we me at all times!" I've noticed that his personality was so out of character compared to the anime, but I couldn't help but adore the change. The only thing is that no one, except for me, better not notice it and try to make a move on him, GRRR, he's mine and mine only! (Geez, I may be a yandere O-O)

 "Great idea! Well, we're home now. Time to chow down and go to bed, we have a busy day tomorrow! Time to get cooking, Bakashi!" I loudly proclaimed, happy for food. Food is life.

 He made another delicious fish meal but he cooked around fifty fish in order to satisfy my hunger as well as his. Now we're in this situation, a very awesome situation indeed. We came to the conclusion that we should share the bed since I'm amazingly warm, the perfect temperature to keep him comfortable when he's cuddling me. I'm wrapped around his small frame, with him laying on his side, cuddling my torso. I used my large wings to substitute for both a blanket and a mattress cover. "Hehe, any fangirl would be jealous right now, but they can screw it!" My companion chuckled at the likely truth and nodded before burying his face into my soft underbelly. When we were nice and snuggled up, we fell into a deep and nice slumber, unaware of the surprise that would later come when morning rises. A surprise that involves a certain blonde sensei.

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