Sunny some day

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                          Joans POV

"Jane! Jane, look!" I yelled as I looked up at her. Jane was my sister who was playing in the lake. My name is Joan McCall. At this time we were both five years old and looked pretty much the same. Long black hair, small and thin body. If it weren't for our eyes, nodody would be able to say who is who. I have shiny green, and she had blue eyes.

At this moment I was playing in the dirt like I did on every sunny summer day. Jane was always in the water even though she couldn't swim. I build a small house with sticks and was surprisingly proud if it. I always showed Jane what I build and so did I this time. I looked around as she didn't answered "Janie?" we always gave each other such names for some stupid reason.

I got up and looked around, neither seeing nor hearing anything form her. I started walking around, repeadiatly calling her name. I walked into a small forest which has grown near the lake. Our house was near the forest as well, even seeable from where I was at that point. Even though I walked through the forest, I kept my gaze at the lake, soon seeing her swim in it "Janie!" I called out happily.

I walked over to the lake and looked at her "why do you swim with your face in the water?" I giggled "come with me! I build a new house!" no respond. I swam over to her and pulled her outside, laying her on the ground "why do you sleep with your eyes open?" I giggled even more.

I looked at her as my giggle slowly goes quieter "Janie, why don't you answer me?.." With my five years I was way too young to understand that she was dead. I shook her, yelled at her and slowly started crying.

When I didn't knew what to do anymore I yelled for my parents. They came running to me as their eyes widened. I looked at them with tears in my eyes. "M-mommy? Daddy? Why won't Jane wake up?" My mother picked me up and turned my face away from Jane while my father checked for her breathing and heartbeat. My back turned to him, my mother locked over my shoulder to him with a worried and scared look I have never seen before. He just shook his head as he teared up.

My mother brought me up to my room and left Josh (Joans father) and Jane alone. She cried heavily and sat me on my bed, looking at me. "Why are you crying mommy?" I asked confused. I still didn't understood what happened or what was wrong. "J-Jane won't wake up again sweetie" she answered with a shaky voice, more tears filling her eyes. ""Why not? She is just sleeping silly" I giggled. My mother pauses for a moment but keeps her look at me "you need to be a strong girl now, okay?" she sighs "Janie won't come now sleeping but she won't wake up..."

Psychotic JoanWhere stories live. Discover now