Men in white

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"What is going on here?!" he almost yelled in a serious and slightly worried voice. I looked at him with tears in my eyes but I stayed quiet. He rushed over to me and picked me up, trying to comfort me while looking at miss Monora "what did you do?!" she stood up and looked at my father "I just explained her to her what schizophrenia is" My father let out a small growl "how dare you to explain that to a eight years old?! You should help! Not make it worse!" She sighed "at least i think I now know what's wrong"

I clenched onto my fathers shoulder and cried while he stroked my back to calm me down. I was so angry and sad. My father sighed, I guess to calm himself down and he looked at me "go to mommy, will you sweetie?" I just shook my head and mumbled "I want to stay with you..." he nodded "okay..." he then looked at Miss Monora again "we will talk about that later on the phone..." she just nodded and sat down again. My father turned around and walked out of the room. "I don't want to go there again..." I mumbled, staying hidden in his shoulder. "I won't go there again..." he said in a soft and calming voice. He walked me back to my mother and we drove back him together.

That night I slept with my parents again because I couldn't stop crying. I knew she was real! I didn't just imagined it! However, next morning I didn't go to school either. I know, Saturday and school? Yes. Normally I have to go to some kind if extra class. I was too sad and confused about everything though. I heard my parents talk in the living room while I played in my room. I heard Jane again but I tried to ignore her. I didn't wanted more trouble then I already had.

My parents called me down to dinner so I came run downstairs and sat in the same chair as I always did. We just ate a regular family pizza my mom had cooked before I came downstairs. After dinner I wanted to stand up but my dads voice interrupted me. "Sweetie, before you go back to play, we have go talk..." those words always send a shiver down my spine, especially when my dad said them. I sat down again and looked at my parents. My mom looked over to my dad with a sad look and my dad looked back at her with the same look.

We sat there in silence before my dad finally managed to speak "we..." was the only thing he said before taking a deep breath. "We called someone to help you with Jane..." I froze at those words as the memories of miss Monora came flashed back into my mind. I started to shake.

My dad seemed to had noticed that because he quickly continued to speak "this time won't be like the last time. You have to sleep somewhere else for a bit..." I instantly shook my head, not wanting to go anywhere. My mother got up and walked over to me, taking both of my hands gently. She always did that when she tried to calm me down. "We will come visit you as often as possible and it won't be for long, I promise" she said in a calm voice and gave a soft smile. I shook my head again and jumped into the arms of my mother, clinging into her tightly as I started to cry "I don't want to go mommy!". My mother sighed and hugged back as tight, holding me in a warm and protecting embrace "I know sweetie but its for the best..."

I stayed quiet, not moving, not speaking. Just sobbing into my mothers shoulder as she rocked me softly and mumbled into my ear "we will bring you there today in the evening..." I clenched harder into my mother, never planned on letting go again. She picked me up and gave my father a nod, gesturing upstairs. I guess she tried to tell him to pack my stuff and so he did. He walked upstairs and disappeared for a while before coming back with two bags.

My mother sat on the couch and sat me on her lab with me still clenching onto her tightly. My father soon joined the couch and looked at us with a sigh. I could feel my mothers head told into his detection but I didn't looked up at them. We sat there for a long time, maybe a hour or two until we heard the door bell ring. I started to cry more, knowing that would be the person to take me away. My father stood up to reveal two men in white clothing. I looked at them with tears in my eyes.

My father told then to wait outside so my parents would have a bit time to say goodbye. My mother hugged me tight before pulling away and looking at my face. She gently wiped my tears away "I know you don't want to go, but it won't be bad. You will have fun there" I just shook my head again and tried to hug her again but she didn't allow it. She hold me back on my shoulders and I could see how she forced a smile "go say goodbye to daddy" he cried heavily before getting up. I ran up to my father and hugged him tight as he already kneeled down for me "please don't let them take me away!" I whined and and almost yelled.

My father sighed and rubbed my back before he picked me up with one arm and grabbed my bags with the other. He carried me outside, offering my last chance to face my mother. She looked at me and waved. I could see how she tried to smile but failed as tears started to flow down her cheeks.

My father brought me to a big white car where the two men waited for me. He gave my bags to the men and kneeled down, letting me crawl off his arm. I did so and looked at him, still crying heavily. He wiped my tears and kissed my forehead "it will be okay sweetie..." he said in a soft voice which normally calmed me but now, nothing could calm me. I hugged him once again and he hugged back. We remained like that for a while before I could feel my father giving a nod to someone as I could feel a big, rough hand grabbing my shoulder gently "it's time to go sweetheart" I heard one of the men say with a soft voice. I screamed and held onto my father "NO! DON'T DO THIS TI ME DADDY!"

I cried out loud but my father gently pushed me away "I'm sorry sweetie..." with these words one of the men pulled me away gently as he brought me to the car door. He lifted me inside and closed the door. The man sat next to the driver seat as I just looked out the window to my father. He waved but I could see how some tears found their way into my fathers eyes as we drove off, away from home.

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