Miso - ch 29

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{Authors note: guys I'm so so sorry I didn't update. It was a stressful week for me. Sorry}

Love. That word. I don't like it. We walk back to our hotel room and sit in the living room.

"I promise that this love we have isn't over." Jhope says.
There goes that word again. "Hyung stop saying that! Someone always says that. It's never going to happen." I yell.
"So your saying we lost them?" Jin asks.

"Yes. Yes we lost them. And we can't get the back."


That was an awkward time yet very fun. "Unnie!" I jump on her. "What do you want?" She groans. "How does it feel to be in a relationship?" I tease her.
"That's why you woke me up at 8:30?" She said. "Yes, you're the only one in a relationship out of us." I say

"Let me go." She pushes me off her. "Ugh fine." I fall into the floor. "Wake the others up." Sana unnie says. As I go into the other rooms someone pops out of nowhere.

"AISH YOU SCARED ME! MY HEART STOPPED" I scream and hold my chest. "Ah maknae don't scream it's to early." Mina unnie says.

"Am I that repelling today?" I mumble.  I kept walking into the other rooms telling the girls t wake up. We go dress up in casual clothes and head out to eat breakfast.

When we reach downstairs we see the boys eating breakfast. I go to food first cause that's more important.

Once I get my food I find a place to sit next to the boys while Sana unnie and Xiumin keep talking. "Morning jagiya." He smiles.
"Morning." She kisses his cheeks.

"Please no lovey dovey stuff at breakfast. Thank you." Rose says. "Agreed." Yoona takes a bite out of her pancake.

We eat and talk until we are done. "what do you guys want to do today?" Suho asks. "I wanna shop, then swim in the ocean. You guys down?" I say.

"Yea let's do it. It's 9:16 now so many at like 11?" Baekhyun says. We all head to our dorms and get ready.

We head upstairs and while Mina unnie has the key in her hand Rose runs up and steals it from her. "Yah! What are you doing?" She says dumbfounded. "Opening the door. Duh" Rose says smiling.

We start getting ready and put on some music to start shouting words too.

"A little bit of black with a little bit of pink. But ain't none little about this. Been living it big. Your crib could fit in my crib. Pretty as shh. Don't gotta say it no more. Look at my face and they know. They've seen it before. Oh, made it to vogue" We all rap. I look at the time. Eh we have enough.

I was almost done getting ready when a BTS song came on. "OOOOO SAVE ME!" I squealed. "Someone dance with me." Jennie says. I quickly put on my earring and run next to her.

We start dancing and I remember watching a video where Jungkook makes fun of Jimin. So I do the exact same thing.
The girls start laughing. And soon one by one they start joining us.

"That was fun!" Jessie said holding her stomach. "Yea hopefully anot-" right when Yoona unnie said that Growl came on.

She quickly dropped her stuff and started dancing. We all join her and dance our hearts out. "I'm sweating already." I say fanning myself. "Pretty sure we all are." Mina unnie says.

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