Paradise? - ch 28

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(girls bathing suits in media^)


As we ripped open the boxes we saw these beautiful pieces of clothing. "Mwo?! They expect us to wear this?" Rose said.
"Your's is pretty!" Jennie says. "But isn't it to revealing?" I ask.

"Just try it on and see if it is." Mina unnie said. We tried it on and wow not that revealing. "We don't expose ourselves that much. Anyway people are exposing themselves WAY MORE than this." Jessie says.

"I mean they are pretty. And they cover up our body, the essential parts." I laugh. "Okay lets go girls. But I have an idea." Sana unnie says.

We head downstairs and we see the boys and wave to us. "Huh? Aren't you going to come into the pool with us?" Chanyeol asks. "Yea we decided that we would."
"So where are your bathing suits?" Lay asks.
"Byuntae!" Jessie screams. "Not in that way pabo!" Lay screams back.

"Just get into the water first we will come." I shoo them away. "I'm staying here until you come with me." Sehun says. "Just get in the water!" Rose yells.

The boys get into the water. "Now what?" D.O asks. "Now wait." Yoona smiles. "Oh my god hur-" before Kai could finish his sentence we all jumped in the water.

"That's my girl" Xiumin says coming towards Sana. "Happy birthday again." She says. "Thanks babe." He smiles. "What's with this 'babe' name?" She looks up at him.
"Since your mine I can call you that right?" She looks at him.
"Yours?" "Yes Sana, or should I say jagiya?" He smirks and kisses her.

We are playing in the water until I get out and dry myself. And sit on the chair. "Yah! Mika come back here!" Sehun yells. "Wait!" I saw a text from my brother saying he was at the hospital.
Of course I had to text back. I was worried. "Who are you texting?" He shouted. "Hm? No one." I yelled back. I was on my phone for a good 30 minutes asking if my brother was okay when I called him.

"Oppa! You okay?
"Yea I'm fine"
"Then why are you there?"
"Because Taemin twisted his ankle."
"Just like me!"
"Oh yeah. Hows your ankle by the way?"
"Oh it's fine. It's healed... I think." I said looking at my ankle. "How did he twist his?"
"We were practicing and he somehow twisted it."
"Ah okay..."
"Your on your vacation?"
"Yes oppa."
"Okay go have fun."
"Thanks oppa, Saranghaeyo."

I ended the call and went to put my phone on the table. I saw Sehun there. "Oh hey." I said. "Why don't you go into the water?" I asked him.
"I was waiting for you." He answered. "You could've just went, it's okay I'll stay here for a while." I said taking the towel off me and placing it on the side.

"Nope, princess your coming with me." He said and picked me up bridal style. "YAH! Oh Sehun, hajima!" I held tightly on to him, punching his chest to let me go.

"Huh, you can hit hard Mika." He smirked. "Shut up" I rolled my eyes. "And here we go.. 1... 2..." he was about to throw me in the water.

"UNNIES!" I screamed but it was too late. I found myself underwater coming back up saying "Yah, wait and see!"

I had a plan.

"Sehun oppa!" I say trying to act cute. "Ne?" He says and squats down on the edge of the pool looking at me.
I swim to the edge, going underwater and then jumping exactly to his height about to kiss him.

I jumped so there would be space between our lips so that he could lean and fall into the pool.
And that's exactly what happened.

"Ahahah! Omo! I can't breathe!" I say laughing. "Your so funny princess." He smirks.
He grabs me, bringing me close to him and pulls me underwater.
He locks lips with mine and we come back to the surface gasping for air. "You enjoyed that right princess?" He says.

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