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A/N Story based on the this little movie Lauren graduated a year ago and decided to stay home while her friends went off to college. She feels stuck and as an artist she's lost her muse. An accidental meeting will soon change all that.

A young brunette takes a step back from the building. She's been trying to spray paint the image she has in her head onto the side of the huge white building. The owner doesn't mind. She's been doing it since she was 16.  She'll spray paint something then cover it up and start over with a new idea. But lately everything stays jumbled up inside. The wall remains a sprinkle of zig zag lines. 

She sighs then stuffs the cans into her backpack. It's almost time for to go to work. The long haired brunette runs a hand through her hair as she walks to her jeep. She drives home through the busy morning streets of San Pedro. She doesn't live in the most nicest neighborhood but it's also not the roughest. 

The girl in short denim shorts and a flannel button up over a black muscle shirt walks through the house door. The small two bedroom home. A house her brother was able to find after their mother passed. 

"Lolo!" a little girl with wild brunette hair runs out of the kitchen.

She scoops the small child up. "Hey, cutie!"

"I get to go to work with you again." the little one beams. The wide smile taking over her face.

"What? Where's your dad?" she remains composed for the sake of the kid.

The little one points to the kitchen. She puts down her niece then walks in. There sits her brother at the kitchen table tying his shoes. His hair spiked up and smelling of his awful cologne.

"Where are you going now?" she asks flatly from the doorway.

"Out." her brother, Chris says roughly. 

The green eye'd girl rolls her eye's. "I can't take her to work."

"Come on, Lauren. You do it all the time."

"One day I'm going to get in trouble."

"For fucks sake's she's your niece!" Chris pounds his fist down on the table.

Lauren jumps but quickly recollects herself. "Fine."

It would of been easier if her brother wasn't so stubborn. She's sacrificed everything for the sake of helping him with her niece, Hailey. The mom skipped town and wanted nothing to do with a baby. Lauren thought for sure him having a baby would make him grow up. She was wrong. Now five years later her 24 year old brother is always out chasing ass and can't hold down a job. 

Lauren retreats to her room. The room she shares with Hailey. Her drawings cover the walls. Little designs of this and that. Doodles of everything and anything.

She grabs a small backpack and stuffs it with toys and a coloring book.

"Let's go little nugget." she ruffles her niece's hair.

Hailey charges for the door and straight to Lauren's jeep. She's in her car seat before her aunt even reaches the car. 

"What's your poison?" Lauren asks over her shoulder, starting the car.

The little one thinks for a moment. "Umm... Katy Perry!"

"I thought so." Lauren laughs. Every time she ask what she wants to hear it's always the same.

They drive down toward the beach. She works at a small diner as a short-order cook. It's not much but the money helps. 

As Lauren works, Hailey sits at the bar stool next to the cash register. She peaks on her every now and then. Hailey waves or makes a silly face. 

After her shifts over for the afternoon, Lauren heads to the actual beach. Yesterday she got a call from her high school best friend. He's in town for the day. She agreed to visit and catch up. 

Lauren pulls up to the parking lot and the little one is jumping out of her seat. The beach has always been her favorite. They park and head over to the spot her and  her friend always hung out at.


She spins hearing her name come from behind. 

"Zayn!" she shouts back. 

The two run at each other and share a big hug. It's been awhile since they last seen each other. He went to college in LA while she stood back. Zayn comes from a wealthier side of town but that never came between their friendship.

"Hailey! You're growing like a weed!" he says scooping up the little on now.

"I eat my vegetables." Hailey states matter of factly.

Zayn and Lauren laugh. He releases Hailey and she dashes off to play in the sand. Sand castles are in her future. The two friends sit on the towel Zayn lays out. He begins to eye Lauren suspiciously.

"Stop looking at me like that." Lauren shoves her friend.

"Well, you look tired." he tilts his head. No doubt trying to read her.

"Oh. Thanks." Lauren avoids eye contact because she knows he can.

He digs his toes into the sand before speaking. "Chris still being Chris?"

"Of course." she shrugs.

Zayn looks at her again. "And Luis?"

"Eh." she again shrugs.

"What's that mean?" 

Lauren looks out to the ocean. Her green eye's squinting at the setting sun. "We're off right now."

"Of course." he mocks her. She nudges him with her shoulder. 

Lauren Luis have a long history of being off and on again. She's not quiet sure what it is right now. But it feels like off.

"You surf anymore?" he asks.

She plays with the sand with her finger. "Now and then."

"Well you can always use my board. It's at my parent's beach house."

"I'll take that into consideration." Lauren nods. "How's school?"

"Good. Good. You should of came."

Lauren looks at Hailey. 

Zayn follows her gaze. "She's not your responsibility, Lo."

"I know." she smiles softly.

They chat for awhile about school and work until they notice the time.

"Shit. I have to go catch my ride back to LA." Zayn shoots to his feet.

"Want me to take you?" Lauren offers. Not wanting the time with her friend to end so soon.

He agrees and they call Hailey over to leave. 

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