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Zayn wouldn't let Lauren take him all the way to West LA. Even if it was just a half hour drive. Besides he wanted to ride back with his new buddies. None of which she knew. They hugged goodbye and she drove off with a sleeping Hailey in the back seat.

The ride home under the California night sky, Lauren can't get her mind off what Zayn had said. "She's not your responsibility." It was true. But she'd never abandon her niece like her brother does. All his late nights and bringing by different woman all the time. It's getting old real quick. 

The next day Lauren and Hailey sit outside the car repair shop that Chris works at. For the time being. Luis was able to get him in. The two sit on a picnic bench. Lauren doodles on it with a black permanent marker. Hailey watches her intently.

"Can I try?" she asks.

"You may." Lauren replies, handing her the marker. "Just don't get it on your hands."

"Okay, mommy."

Lauren's head snaps up. "No, Hailey. I'm your auntie."

"You take care of me. Your my mommy." the little one replies, still remaining focused on her drawing.

"Yea, but I'm your aunt." Lauren says softly, running a hand through her soft little locks. Hailey no longer paying attention. She looks down at the scribbles the child made. 

"Let's go losers." Chris tells the waiting girls.

They jump in the jeep and Lauren drives them home. Chris doesn't have a license. He was caught drunk driving a while ago. Now he's fully dependent on Lauren or his girlfriends to drive him around.

"Luis said to tell you hi." he says, playing with the radio stations. "Are you guys not together again?"

"I guess." Lauren replies. She's never talked to her brother about Luis. Why's he suddenly interested in her love life.

Chris just shakes his head. 

Later that night Chris again goes out. But since Lauren has nothing to do she doesn't fight it. She hangs with Hailey in front of the TV. Once the cartoons grow boring, she steps into the kitchen to call Luis. She has to know where they are.

"Hello?" a muffled voice picks up the phone.


"I can't hear you, Lo."

"Where are you?"


"I said, where are you?"

"I... Lauren.... Hello?"

The phone hangs up. Lauren sighs. She heard the music in the background. He clearly thinks this is an off thing right now too. 

She returns to the living room and sees Hailey fast asleep on the couch. Lauren carries her and places her on the bed. She kisses her forward softly then goes for a quick shower. 

Once she finished she sits on the end of her bed combing out her hair. A familiar loud commotion comes from the living room. She sets her brush down and storms out of the room.

"Shut the fuck up, Hailey's sleeping!" she hisses at her drunk brother.

Chris waves a hand in dismissal then stomps down the hall with his latest fling, stumbling into everything. She goes to make sure the little girl didn't awake. She didn't.

Finally a day to herself, since Chris doesn't work today and has no plans to got out, Lauren decides to take Zayn up on his offer to use his surf board. She like his better anyway. She drove down to his families beach house. All the houses look big and beautiful.

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