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"Can I go, Lolo?" Hailey ask again.

"Next time, nugget." Lauren pauses for a second to address the pouting little one. She's been fishing through her backpack to find her small notebook she uses to draw in. She finally finds it at the very bottom.


"Hailey," she squeezes her niece's cheeks softly. "baby, I promise you can come next time." she ends her reply with an attack of kisses. Hailey giggles.

It feels good to the green eye'd girl to finally have some time to have fun. She even faked sick from work so she can go surf with Camila again.

Camila is already waiting outside with her wet suit on and both boards in hand. She goes to park but the older girl motions for her to stop. After putting the boards in the back she jumps in the jeep.

"I know a cool place." she smiles to the driver.

"Where to, madam?" Lauren teases. 

Camila laughs out, then tells her of a secluded place she used to surf. That it is clean and has nice waves. 

They arrive and walk down a hill side until they reach the spot she was talking about. Lauren takes in the view. It's gorgeous. She wants to pause for a second and sketch in her book but she left it back in the car.

"Hurry up!" Camila shouts from up ahead. She's about to enter the water.

Lauren runs the rest of the way. Passing by Camila and crashing onto the board in the water. She paddles out and takes the first wave. It's like all her stress and troubles sink to the bottom of the ocean. It's just Lauren, a good friend and the ocean. 

"Nice!" Camila cheers on her younger companion. 

Lauren grins proudly, paddling back to the other girls side. "Your turn, grandma."

"Hey! I'm only four years older!" Camila splashes her. The green eye'd girl splashes back and they end up in a slash war. 

Lauren can taste the salt on her lips. "Okay, okay! I'm sorry!" she laughs, wiping at her face.

"Better be!" Camila shouts. "Jerk."

"What?" Lauren leans to the side then tips the other girls board causing Camila to flip off and into the sea.

Camila resurfaces and laughs. "Meanie."

"You started it." the green eye'd girl points out.

"I'll finish it." the older girl replies. Her tone low and playful. Before Lauren can say anything she's already paddling out to catch a new wave.

Lauren, with cheeks the color of her board, watches the girl stand and take on a huge wave.

"Oh my god you were right!" Lauren says through a mouthful of food. The amazing taste dancing on her taste buds makes her lady like mannerism disappear.

Camila nods. "I told you!"

After a long day of surfing, the pair agreed to have dinner. Camila suggested a burger joint that has amazing cheese burgers. Lauren was hesitant at first. As a diner cook she knows some places health codes aren't up to par. But now that she's tried it, she's never been more wrong.

"So what exactly have you been up to?" Camila asks, going for another fry.

"Nothing really. Just working at the diner. Taking care of Hailey. Nothing as exciting as you." Lauren replies.

"Shush! But aw, Hailey. I bet she's so big now."

"She's 5."

"Whoa! That's insane."

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