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The sun is brightly shining down on the two girls who sleep on the balcony couch. Camila has her arm losely around Lauren's waist. They fell alseep stretched out and tangled together.

Lauren begins to stir. Her eye's shoot open and she looks around, forgetting where she is. She notices Camila's hand on her and it all comes back. Her and Camila kissed last night. More than once.

She softly lifts the older girls arm out of the way and wiggles free from her legs. She bolts for the door. How could she of let this happen. One minute they're talking about Zayn and having a good time. The next their in a heated make out session. How can she explain that to Chris and even Zayn. Her head spins with confusion and every possible scenario.

Lauren jumps in her jeep and heads home. So deep in thought over what happened last night, she stalls at a green light. Cars behind her honk and she comes back to reality. 

As she pulls up to the house, Chris and Hailey are waiting on the door step. She forgot she needed to give him a ride to work.

"Thanks, Lo. Now I'm late." Chris says as he opens the door for Hailey then himself. "Where were you?"

"With friends." Lauren replies trying to keep her tone steady. "Hey, nugget!" she greets her niece.

"You didn't come home!" the little one pouts.

"Sorry, I will be tonight okay?"

"Okay." Hailey smiles wide. 

Lauren begins to drive toward the car shop. Everyone is quietly listening to the radio. Even Chris who always has something to say is oddly silent. 

Lauren clears her throat. "I been thinking." she begins.

"About?" Chris asks.

"Going to art school."

"You didn't get in I thought?"

"I can reapply."

Chris shrugs. "Whatever."

Lauren doesn't reply. She knew talking to him about it was a dead end. The rest of the ride is silent. The jeep pulls into the parking lot and Lauren sees Luis standing by his car. He must work today. Chris climbs out and heads inside. Lauren decides to go talk to him.

"I'll be right back okay?" Lauren turns around and tells her niece.

Hailey nods. "Leave the radio on!"

Lauren laughs softly and does as told. She gets out and walks over to Luis.

"Hey." she says getting his attention.

"Hey." Luis nods.

Lauren steps closer. "Can we talk?"

"About what?" he asks.

"I don't know? Us?"

"Is there an us?"

Lauren doesn't say anything. She moves forward to go in for a kiss but Luis pulls away. He steps around her.

"Sorry, Lo. I have to go. We'll talk later?" he looks down.

The green eye'd girl nods. "Yea." 

She stays standing there for a minute. Hurt and even more confused. He threw himself at her the other night and now all of a sudden he avoids her? She rubs at her temples. All this is really making her head hurt. There's only one place she can think of to go to clear her head.

After dropping Hailey off at the sitters. Lauren heads down to the beach. With her own board instead this time. She parks next some others who seems to be having a bbq right then and there. Girls with bikinis prance around drinking and dancing. Lauren pulls on her wet suit and catches herself eyeing the girls around. Noticing their tans and curvy physiques. She quickly grabs her board and rushes to the beach. 

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