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"Good morning." brown eye's greet green. 

Lauren looks around in a sleepy haze before realizing she's in bed with Camila. She falls back onto the pillow and exhales deeply. 

"Are you okay?" Camila reaches over and cups her face.

"Yea. Sorry. Good morning." Lauren smiles shyly. 

Camila smiles back then leans forward to kiss the blushing girl. Lauren returns it, pulling the girl closer.

"Come here you." the older girl giggles. She flips them over so Lauren now lays on top. "You're beautiful."

"Shut up." Lauren cuddles into the croak of her neck and shoulder.

"Take my compliment!" Camila tickles her sides.

"Okay! okay! Th.. Thank you!"

"That's better!" 

Camila tilts her head to delivery a soft kiss to her temple. She pulls Lauren's long locks over her bare shoulder, leaving traces with her finger tips. Lauren reaches for her hand and intertwines them. 


Sitting in her jeep, Lauren looks up at the beach house. She runs a hand through her hair and smiles to herself. She's never felt so content. So wanted, loved and even secure. All this because of one person. One individual in billions. Her heart starts racing again thinking about her. 

As she drives home she passes by her abandoned wall of art. It's been a while since she painted on it. After some thought at the next red light, Lauren does a u-turn and drives back to the building. She gets out the spray cans from behind the jeep then begins to paint.

Colors swirl within colors. Patterns meet in the center and stretch out like roots from a tree. She paints the scenery from the hidden surf spot. Baby blue waves crash onto shore. Flecks of green bounce off the horizon.

Lauren steps back far enough to take it all in. She wipes at her brow as the afternoon sun beats down. A wide smile takes over her face. It's beautiful. The jumbled chaos inside finally came out like an unraveled ball of yarn. 

She jumps in her jeep to drive home. Her shift at the diner starts soon.

Pulling up she sees Hailey sitting on the door step, coloring. Her little head pops up when she sees Lauren pull up. Her coloring book abandoned as she waves her little hand back and forth.

"I missed you!" she calls out.

Lauren yells back. "I missed you more!"

"You had me worried." Hailey pouts.

"Aw don't worry about me. It's my job to worry about you. Let's go inside." Lauren takes the little one's hand, leading her inside.

She rushes around to get ready for work all while dancing around with Hailey to the radio in the background. They sing along out loud. 

"Lo?" Chris calls out.

Lauren peaks her head into the kitchen. "What's up?"

"Why are you smiling like that?" he questions his glowing sister.

"I can't smile?"

"Did you get laid? Did you make up with Luis?"

Green eyes look away. "No."

"Then who? You don't dance around like an idiot for nothing." Chris raises a brow.

"You're so fucking stupid. I can't be happy without it coming from a source?" Lauren says with an annoyed tone. She turns to go but he stops her.

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