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Over the next two weeks, Lauren and Hailey spend more time with Camila. As soon as Lauren is off work she'll drive over to the beach house. On her days off, her and Hailey meet the older girl at the beach. They surf and have lunch or dinner that same day. She's even finished her mural on the side of the building wall. It's all good times until...

Lauren lays in Camila's bed panting, trying to catch her breath. Camila lays next to her, the sheet pulled up to her shoulders over her bare skin, trying to steady her breathing also. 

"Whoa." Camila exhales, resting the back of her hand on her forehead. 

"Yea." Lauren agrees. "Come here." she wiggles her finger. 

Camila moves on top of her. She kisses her moving lower and lower. She pauses at her belly.

"Did you hear that?" Lauren sits up on her elbows.

"It's probably the cleaning lady, she comes on Tuesdays." the older girl shrugs, going back to softly kissing the tummy below her.

"It's not Tues--"

"Camz?! Are you still asleep?" a rough voice calls out from the living.

Lauren's eyes go wide. They fumble around to find their clothes. Shirts, panties and bras are flung across the room. The two lovers struggle to get dressed.

"What's he doing here?" Lauren hisses.

"I don't know. He didn't call this time." Camila replies, stumbling into  her shorts.

"I don't want him to find out this way." 

"Go in there, I'll distract him." she points to her bathroom.

Lauren dashes to the bathroom while Zayn burst through the door.

"What's up sister?" he says with a grin.

"Hey, Zayn. I missed you!" 

The two hug, Camila tries to turn him around. Lauren takes the opportunity to sneak out behind him. She takes the stairs two at a time, runs out of the house and jumps in her jeep. 

After her adreniline dies down from almost getting caught, Lauren notices the time, she drives straight to work.


Lauren ends her shift cleaning around the counter top.

"You missed a spot." a familiar rough voice comes from behind.

She spins and sees Zayn holding his arms out to her. 

"Hey! What are you doing back here so soon?" Lauren goes in for the hug.

He shrugs. "Thought I'd come surf for the weekend."

"Cool. I've been using your board. It's amazing!"

"Right on. Come surf with us when you get off? My sister is staying at the beach house."

"Oh okay. Yea." Lauren replies, trying to keep her tone nonchalant.

"Kay. See you later." Zayn says backing toward the door. "That's a weird shirt by the way." he adds before dunking out.

Lauren looks down at the shirt she's wearing. Contrary to her normal attire of solid dark color crew necks. The shirt she's sporting is a pastel purple v neck. Camila's shirt. 

"Shit." she curses to herself. In the mad rush to leave the beach house she must of slipped on the other girls top. How she went the whole day without noticing is beyond her. 

In the parking lot she ditches Camila's shirt for a wet suit. She drives over to the beach where her and Zayn always surf. 


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