Chapter 5-

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I cringed at the loud knock at the door, rolling over on the bed and burying my head into my pillow. The knock came again, louder this time. I groaned, and turned over, trying to cuddle into Toby, but all I found was soft cotton sheets. The knock came again, followed by a familiar voice, "I know you're in there Spence, I just want to talk." I sat up slightly, still groggy, just in time to hear the door open and someone come in, followed by lowered voices. "She's asleep, okay?" "Prove it," the familiar voice said again. Someone sighed, "Fine." Footsteps approached the door, then two figures appeared at the doorway, first Toby, then someone else. I squinted, then my eyes opened wide, "Melissa?" I asked, wiping my eyes and sitting up straighter. Toby rubbed a hand over his jaw, "Sorry Spencer, I didn't mean to wake you..." I smiled at him, "It's fine Toby," I turned to Melissa. "Did mom and dad send you?" I asked spitefully. "Because I don't want to hear it, okay Melissa?" "Spence, this has nothing to do with mom and dad, I just wanted to talk to you, see if you were okay." "We'll you know what Melissa? I'm not okay, so you can go." A flash of hurt crossed her face, but it was gone quickly. "I know mom and dad want you to get an abortion. I don't want that for you. I want to help you with this, if you want me to." She trailed off, leaving an unanswered question hanging in the air. I looked at her, really looked at her. I needed all the help I could get, and if she could help me with my parents, I needed her, too. Slowly, I nodded, "Thank you." She looked shocked, but then a small smile formed on her face. "I'll give you two a moment, Toby said awkwardly, seemingly not knowing what to do. I nodded, and he turned and walked back to the living room, sitting on the couch. I turned my attention back to Melissa. She walked tentatively to the bed, and sat down beside me, hugging me gently. I wrapped my arms around her and hugged her back. I didn't even realise I was crying until she pulled back, and handed me a tissue from her bag. I sniffed, "Thanks," I said again. Just then her cell phone buzzed, and she pulled it out, reading a message. "I've got to go, let me know if you need anything, okay?" I nodded, smiling and wiping away the last of my tears. As she left I heard her say to Toby, "Look after her." "I will," came the reply, and then the door closed.

I stood up, stretching, and pulled off the oversized shirt Toby had given me and hopped into the shower. I stepped out a few minutes later and looked around for my clothes. I found a neatly folded pile of new clothes on the table, and I smiled. I grabbed a shirt and skinny jeans and some flats, pulled them on and walked out, wrapping my arms around Toby from behind. He turned his head, smiling at me, "I see you found the clothes I got you. I figured you'd need to change eventually, you were starting to smell a little funky..." He trailed off, grinning. "Oh yeah?" I asked. "We'll I guess you won't wanna kiss me then," I said smirking, and turning to walk away. A second later his arms were around me, pulling me gently back towards him. I turned, and he leaned in, his lips brushing gently against mine. I smiled against his lips, pulling back. "How are you feeling?" "I'm feeling good," I said back, and for now., it was true. "Good enough to go somewhere with me?" He asked. "That depends, where are we going?" "It's a surprise," he said, taking my hand. I followed his lead, out of his apartment and into his truck. About an hour later, we pulled up at a beach, and Toby went to the trunk, pulling out a cooler filled with sodas and water, a picnic basket, blankets and a set of mini speakers. We walked onto the beach, Toby refusing to let me carry anything, and I heard a voice shout, "Spence!" I looked up, and saw Hanna, Aria, Emily, and Caleb waving at me. I broke into a huge grin, I hadn't seen any of them in two days, and I hadn't realised just how much I missed them until now. When we reached them Hanna, Aria and Emily hugged me tightly. "How are you?" Emily asked, pulling back and looking at me intently. "I'm fine," I said, sitting down on one of the huge blankets spread across the sand. "Hey Spence," Toby said
from behind me, "Caleb and I are gonna go surf for a bit and give you guys some time to talk," he said, shooting a pointed look at the girls. "Okay," I said, kissing him before he turned and jogged over to Caleb. "What was that about?" I asked when he was out of earshot. "What was what about?" Emily asked innocently. "Oh come on, I saw that look. What's up?" There was a moment of silence, then Aria spoke up. "Fine. Toby told us Melissa came to visit you this morning," "Yeah, she did, so?" "And we're all just a little bit worried about how she all of a sudden wants to help you. How do you know if you can trust her after everything?" I sighed. "Look guys, I know Melissa has a pretty checkered past, but who hasn't in this town? She's my sister, and if she says she wants to help, I'll give her the chance, but that doesn't mean I have to completely trust her. I know she's keeping secrets, and maybe this is the best way to find out." They looked at me, not looking entirely convinced, but then Hanna spoke up, "Okay, so now that that's dealt with, can we please have a little fun before we have to go back to dealing with all this A crap?" "That sounds perfect," I said standing up, wiping sand from myself. The girls followed and we went out into the water, swimming and watching the boys surfing. Not long later, Toby and Caleb swam up beside us. I saw Caleb grab Hanna, and then Toby was grabbing me and lifting me up out of the water, then suddenly I was dropping, and water was splashing everywhere. I lifted my head up out of the water, glaring at Toby, before playfully splashing him. We spent hours just fooling around together, and when the sun was setting, Toby and Caleb had an idea. "How about Toby and I collect some wood and we can have a fire?" Caleb asked, running a hand through his long hair to push it from his face. "Sounds good to me," Hanna said, smiling at him, and I hooded along with Emily and Aria. "Okay, we'll go get the wood, you guys wait here," Toby said, standing up. I watched as Toby and Caleb walked away, shoving and laughing. I was happy that Toby had Caleb, he was a great guy, and I knew they'd take care of each other. "I think I have some stuff here for s'mores if anyone wants some," I asked. "Mmm! S'mores! Yes!" Everyone turned to look at Hanna. "What? I'm hungry, sue me." Everyone burst into laughter at the same time, and Hanna pouted, making everyone laugh more. Emily got up and looked in the basket Toby had brought, pulling out the stuff for s'mores just as the guys reappeared along the beach, carrying piles of wood. It didn't take long to get the fire started, and we all just sat talking around it. I looked at the faces around the the fire, Hanna, Aria, Emily, Toby, even Caleb, were like family to me, and I knew that I'd always have them. I sat hand in hand with Toby, and I felt safe, this was how my life should always be, I didn't want it to end. Soon though, it got dark, and one by one people had to leave, first Emily to see Paige, then Aria, then Caleb and Hanna, until it was just Toby and I. I turned to him, "Thank you for this." He pulled me closer, "You're welcome," then he put a hand on my cheek and kissed me lightly. "Come on, it's getting late, we should go," he said, standing up. "Do you need any help with the stuff?" "No it's fine, I've got it," he said, putting out a hand to help me up. I took it, pulling myself up from the sand, my clothes long dried from my swim. We walked back to his truck, and he loaded the stuff into the trunk, before getting in and driving back to his apartment. When we got back it was 11:30, so I decided to go to sleep, and Toby came with me. I curled up next to him, my head on his chest, and as I was drifting off, Toby kissed me on the crown of my head and said, quietly, "I love you." I smiled sleepily, "I love you too," I said before falling asleep.

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