Chapter 8-

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"Hanna, we need to find Aria, right now. Damnit, where is she?" I rapidly looked around the carriage, and saw Emily moving towards us, a look of worry spreading over her face as she took in our expressions. "Guys, I can't find Aria." Deciding they had to know, I quickly filled the girls in on what Garrett had told me. "Before we can even think about this, we need to find Aria," I said to them. "I'm going to get Caleb," Hanna said, rushing off through the crowds of people. I frantically scanned the crowds of people, before Emily and I separated, both searching opposite ends of the train. I pushed through the crowds, entering into an empty compartment, looking around before my eyes landed on an item on the floor. A mask. Garrett's mask. My mind had barely processed the thought when a pair of hands grabbed me from behind, dragging me towards the exit of the train. I struggled, but whoever it was had a strong grip on me. "Help!" I tried to scream as I was pulled towards the edge, but my shouts were muffled and weak. I closed my eyes, still trying to struggle, but too afraid to look as we reached the edge of the train. Suddenly, there were no hands on me, and I was on the floor. I looked up to see Paige standing over me, a look of shock on her face as she helped me to stand. "Thanks," I said shakily, unable to find any other words. "It was a pleasure," Paige said, before leaning towards me and taking a large red nail from my tangled hair. "We should find the others," I said, and she nodded. We found Emily and Hanna, and Emily asked, "Where's Toby?" "He's with Caleb somewhere at the front of the train," Hanna answered, "Maybe we should find them." "There's no time, we have to find Aria," I said. We were running out of time. "I'll find them," Paige said, sharing a look with Emily before glancing briefly at me. "Thanks," Emily said, before Paige left. "Come on," I said, as we continued searching the train. We continued down to the end of the train, opening a door and exiting the compartment. That's when I heard the screaming. "Help! Somebody please! Help me!" My heart plummeted realised the sound was coming from the large crate balanced precariously at the edge of the train. "Aria!" I shouted, rushing forward instantly, Emily and Hanna at my side. Together, we pulled the crate back from the edge, prying it open. Aria scrambled out of the crate, throwing herself at us, her face filled with fear. Without realising it, we had crowded together, comforting each other, and as we looked into the crate, we needed it. Another face was staring up at us, eyes wide open and unblinking. "Oh my God."


I was filled with relief when I saw Spencer walk into the compartment. I walked over and immediately put my arms around her, her arms wrapping around my waist, and her head resting against my chest. Whatever has happened tonight was not part of the plan. At least not the 'plan' I had been involved in. Mona was testing me. I should've known better. "The trooper is calling our parents," I said when we separated. "He wants to take some statements before we leave. Are you okay?" "I'm with you now." I smiled reassuringly at her, lacing my fingers with hers. At that moment Aria arrived, and was bombarded with concern. "Are you okay?" The girls asked in unison. "I'm fine," she said, giving an unconvincing smile. "I just can't get Garrett's face out of my head," he said trailing off. "This doesn't make any sense," Emily said, "Why would A kill Garrett after pushing so hard for him to be released?" "Think about it," Spencer replied, "Garrett was one of the few people who might have been able to help us find out what happened to Alison. In prison, he was safe from A," she said. "And A wanted Garrett free so they could shut Garrett up for good," I finished. Spencer nodded. "Exactly, two members of the NAT club are dead. First Ian, now-" "Ezra!" Aria broke out suddenly, and my head quickly turned to find Ezra entering the compartment, a concerned look on his face. He put his arms around Aria in a quick embrace, his eyes moving briefly to the trooper still standing near us. "Ezra what are you doing here?" Aria asked him. "I was going to surprise you at the end of the line, but I heard that someone was hurt, so I drove beside the tracks to find you." "Jesus," a loud, obnoxious voice boomed through the compartment as Noel Kahn moved towards us. "Why don't you just tell the police who it was so we can get out of here? Can't you bitches stop dragging everyone else into your god damn mess?" I clenched my jaw, my hands tightening into fists. "Back off Noel." I said tensely. "How about if I don't? I'm sick of this crap. Everyone else is always getting pulled into it." Feeling me tense, Spencer put a hand on my chest, warning me to stay calm, but it was too late. I lunged at Noel, grabbing him, sending us both flying into the drinks table. I was stopped by the sharp intake of breath that came from everyone in the compartment. "Please tell me that's not what I think it is," Hanna said staring at something on the floor. I turned to follow her gaze, and my eyes landed on the last thing I was expecting, a body bag.

**So, I updated. This chapter is dedicated to Ivettguaba3 as she showed a little bit of interest in where this story was going :p anyway, this was a pretty boring chapter, there wasn't much to do without straying from the tv show lines. But the next few chapters will be my own ideas and will not follow the pll timeline or narrative, and if it does at any point it will be loosely. I will be introducing at least one original character in the next few chapters! I will update when i have 60 votes on my first chapter and at least 20 on the others. If you've read so far please vote on previous chapters as you were unable to do so until now, thanks to my own lack of brains -_-  So yeah, there's the challenge! Thanks for reading and voting, all you pll fans and wattpad peeps, I appreciate it :) Also as a final note I realised that paragraphs have virtually disappeared from my writing, and I apologise for that, I will attempt to separate the huge mass of words into some semblance of structure soon.**

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