Chapter 21- With Arms Wide Open

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I tapped my thumb quickly on the wheel as I drove to Spencer's house. Her first appointment was today, and I felt an uneasy feeling begin to grow in the pit of my stomach as I pulled up in front of her house and walked to the front door. I took a breath in, trying, and failing, to calm my nerves before rapping the door. The door opened, and Melissa stood in front of me, a stoic look on her face. "Melissa-I-" "Spencer's almost ready. Come in, I need to talk to you." I swallowed, growing uncomfortable under her steady gaze, remembering the last words she had said to me. I opened my mouth to speak, but she cut me off. "Save it," she said in a hushed tone. "For some reason Spencer thinks you deserve a second chance. I can't say I agree with her. I trusted you to look after her Toby, and I swear to God if you hurt her again-" her words were interrupted as Spencer came down the stairs. "Oh- Toby," she said, surprised, looking at both of us. "You're early." "Yeah, I just figured that you'd want to get there early. I mean, you always try to be ahead of schedule..." She nodded, "Yeah, you're right. Let's go. I'll see you later, Melissa." I followed her towards the door, feeling Melissa's eyes on me until the door finally clicked closed behind us. I opened the door of the truck for Spencer, letting her climb in and shutting the door before getting in beside her. As we drove there was an awkward silence. Spencer suddenly became incredibly interested in the Rosewood scenery, and I couldn't think of the right words to say. Small talk just felt forced. I'd never felt so nervous around Spencer, even when we first got together, being with her was easy. "What were you and Melissa talking about?" She asked, shocking me. "You looked like I'd walked in on you two making out." I scrambled for an answer. "We were just talking about- work. She wants me to do a little work on the barn since she's going to be staying there a while." She looked at me, the look on her face saying she didn't quite believe me, then she just nodded, and we went back to silence.

When we arrived at the hospital we sat in the waiting room. I noticed Spencer was picking at her nails. "Are you okay?" "I'm fine," she replied, too quickly. "It's okay to be nervous you know," I said, hesitantly. She looked up at me, "My nails, right?" I nodded. "You always pick at them when you're nervous. If if helps, I'm nervous too. I guess it's normal." "Thanks," she replied, giving me a small smile. Just then, Wren appeared, "Spencah, you're looking a lot better. How're you feeling?" "A lot better, thanks Wren." "You're welcome. Toby," he said, holding his hand out to me. I shook his hand, "Wren." "Well, I better go, congratulations you two."

A few moments later a woman behind the desk called, "Spencer Hastings? Dr. Perry will see you now." Dr. Perry welcomed us in and we sat down opposite her, side by side. "Okay, Spencer. According to this record, you are currently 8 weeks pregnant. That means, after I ask you both a few questions, we're going to need to take a blood sample from each of you for testing. Then we'll do an ultrasound and you can ask me any questions you have. Okay?" She asked, and we both nodded. "Okay, well first of all, Spencer, how have you been feeling? Have you been experiencing any morning sickness or illness?" I looked at Spencer, unable to ignore the kick of guilt that I didn't knew the answer. She nodded, "I've been having morning sickness for about a week now, but apart from that I feel fine."

Dr Perry wrote something down on the chart and continued. "And have you been feeling any unusual stress or strain recently?" At this, I saw Spencer's hand clench, a minute movement that you wouldn't have noticed unless you were watching intently. "No, not in particular." We went on like this, her asking us both questions about our family's medical history, where we lived, our preferences on where the baby would be born. After we'd given our blood samples, Dr Perry asked us, "Shall we do an ultrasound test?" Spencer lay down on the bed, her stomach bared, a nervous look on her face, and I hovered awkwardly above her, looking at the screen while Dr Perry and a nurse prepared. I heard Spencer's slight intake of breath as the cold gel was spread on her stomach. For a moment I held my breath. "There it is, your beautiful baby. Congratulations." I stared at the screen, at the tiny form of out baby, and I felt Spencer's hand slide into mine. I gave her hand a gentle squeeze as silent tears ran down both of our faces. "Would you like to hear your baby's heartbeat?" She asked, smiling at us. I felt my heart clench as I nodded. Listening to our baby's heartbeat, I knew that in my whole life, I would never love anyone more than this. "I'll give you two a moment," Dr Perry said, leaving the room. "Spence-" I said, all nerves gone. She looked at me, her eyes still red from crying, and then, out lips were touching. "I love you," I whispered, as I pulled back, looking into her eyes. "I love you too," she said.

We left the hospital, hand in hand. The photos I'd gotten from our ultrasound were tucked safely into my wallet. As we got into the truck, there was still silence, but this time, it wasn't awkward or uneasy. It was a perfect silence. For the first time in weeks, Spencer fell asleep in my arms in our apartment.

*So I updated! Here it is! Spoby is truly back! Yay! Now what other problems can I throw into the mix? I don't know. Oh wait, I do. Anyway hope you liked this strictly Spoby scene, and if not, we will be seeing the others soon. So thanks for reading, you guys are great! Please vote and comment!*

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