Chapter 06 : Shadows Of Past.

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Against All The Odds.

Chapter 06.

She blinked her eyes several times, spotting someone standing there. Unable to believe.

She let go her Dada's hand and took few steps towards that man, who looked busy in his mobile.

"Ammu beta, yaha awo!" She couldn't heard anything as she constantly moved towards him.

Sanskar looked up from his mobile, feeling someone's gaze on him and then he saw a little angel staring him with wide open eyes.

Her beautiful big doe eyes were filled with tears and for a second he recalled her. Swara.

His whole being shuddered because of that sudden thought. His mind raced with numerous possibilities, against his will.

'If they were together, they would have also had a baby.'

He was pulled out from his impossible thoughts.

'Some wishes never come true.' His lips formed a thin line, gazing at the angel standing in front of him.

He smiled unknowingly, looking at her. She was too adorable to not to pass a smile. And the corner of his lips curled up.

"Hi!" Sanskar said, waving his hand, tucking his mobile back in his pocket.

Ammu didn't respond but rapidly blinked her eyes, letting the tear droplets rolled down her cheeks. She couldn't believe her father was actually infront of her. During all these years she had been watching him on TV, but today.... He was standing in front of her. Her papa.

"Hi!" Sanskar once again waved his hand, trying to grab that little angel's attention but she looked lost. He saw her rubbing her cheeks and then he realised, she was crying. Why? His smile faded. He walked towards her in order to ask what caused her tears.

"Hi, beta." He hesitated to say more. But something inside him tell him to ask.

"What's wrong?" He kneeled down in front of her, looking around to see whether someone was with her or not. But he found none.

Ammu opened her mouth to say something but shut closed it the next moment. She kept her palm on her mouth, swallowing down the urge to call him 'Papa.'

Her eyes widened more as she came face to face of him. She could see him directly. Ammu shook her head, nodding no. There was an abrupt moment when she took her one tiny plam and touched his cheek, one hand was still covering her mouth. She gasped realising, he was real. Her eyes steamed with more tears.

Sanskar looked bewildered by her sudden movement. He felt her soft palm touching him and next instant jerking it back.

"You ok beta?" He could not help out asking. Why she was crying for no reason. Well, he had a thought that he looked bad or horrible or.... Grrr.

Sanskar was about to say something but someone interrupted him. He stood up from his place, whirling around to face a confuse Kavita.

"Who is she?" She asked, gazing at Ammu.

Sanskar took a moment to reply and finally said. "I don't... I don't know." The flash of hurt he saw in that little angel's eyes shocked him.

"We should leave. My work is done." She said after a pause where as Sanskar nodded.

"Bye." He said, moving towards his car. He turned around to look at her once again and found her standing there still.

Their car made a way out of the gate.

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