Chapter 10 : The Little Angel!

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Against All The Odds.

Chapter 10.

Ammu was waiting outside her school gate. Today, also her Mumma was late, how couldn't she be, by the way? Well, due to condolence of her school's one of trustees, Mr. Sinha, students got a mid day off. She waited patiently since school authority informed parents. Her Mumma also would be on the way. She might be little late but as long as her Dada was there, she could stay and do patar patar with him. Her favorite work with no doubt.

Even though she wasn't allowed to step outside the school gate, she wouldn't listen to security guard as she was very much excited to tell her Mumma about Math test. After all she did very well without much preparation. Her Mumma would be delighted. Her eyes glistened with an unknown shine as she suddenly spotted someone coming towards her. Her smile widened when his car crossed the distance between them but the next moment she lost that smile when he passed by without noticing her.

Ammu didn't think for second time and ran behind the car. "Uncle... Uncle." As her Mumma said she couldn't call him papa, so uncle would be appropriate. Her back pack was heavy still she tried to run as fast as she could. She thought for nothing that time but her papa, wanting to meet him again.

Sanskar was driving being absent minded, so the speed of his car was very slow then he usually preferred. He suddenly pulled the break, glancing at the mirror and saw her, running, in the middle of the street. For a second he thought, he saw something else. But no, that little angel was there.

Not wasting an another second, parking the car at the side of the road he got off, immediately running towards her.

Ammu huffed clutching her flask but continued running. She smiled with sheer happiness when she saw him. Finally she would meet him. Her mind was distracted and the very next second she collapsed on the road. Her eyes welled up, feeling pain. Sanskar rushed to her, getting horrified seeing her in tears.

"Mumma...." Ammu shrieked, yet again collapsing on the ground as she tried to stand up but the heavy bag didn't let her.

Sanskar felt panic stricken. "Betaaa." And then Ammu looked up with her tear glistened eyes. A weak smile was crept up on her face as he saw a flash of happiness in her eyes, all though she was in pain. It was very instant, there was no hold on that moment.

"You all right beta?" Ignoring other thoughts, he quickly kneeled down to her height. He lifted her up from the ground to check on whether she hurt herself. "Appko kahi lagi toh nehi?" He asked, getting impatient when she didn't reply. He felt her tiny arms encircling around his neck. A warm feeling shot through his entire body as he stood there, stiff, unmoved. He couldn't brace himself from hugging her back. It felt good. Having that little angel in his arms. The corners of his lips moved as he caressed her hair.

He didn't know how he felt then. It was just....just so good. It had been quite long time since he stopped feeling something. But today.....
He was pulled back to his sense. Wait.... Was she crying? He heard her voice.. It sounded like sobbing and he knew he was so right.

"Betaa!" He broke the hug, swallowing down the forming lump. It was so sudden, so unexpected.

"Shh! Nei rote beta." He found himself uttering those words. For some reason her tears pained him. Well, no one would like to see a small baby crying, so did he. But here, right now, there was something more...more..that he actually couldn't pin point.

"App thik toh ho?" He jerked his thoughts, concentrating on the little angel who was staring at him with her big doe eyes, they were wide, really very wide that left him starlet.

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