Family Reunion

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Blue Fairy POV:

I know Tinkerbell wants to know what's going on but I also know if I just tell her that her parents are waiting for her, she might not believe me which is why I am going to take her to them. When I pulled Hook to one side I also asked him to get Queen Clarion and Lord Milori and take them to Grannies and I will take Tinkerbell there and then she can be reunited with her family. I then tell Tinkerbell that we were going to Grannies because there was someone there that wants to see her.

Tinkerbell POV:

As soon as she said there was someone waiting for me, I was definitely confused by this point. I had no idea who would want to see me but I went with Blue to Grannies anyway because I wanted to know who it was... it didn't take very long to get to Grannies but when we got there I saw Hook was outside and Blue had stopped outside too they both told me that they were inside, I was still very confused. The fact that both Blue and even Hook were smiling, I definitely wanted to know who it was in there. I wondered why neither of them were going in as well but I didn't stop to ask, I just went in but when I went in I was shocked to see who it was.

Queen Clarion POV:

I heard the door of the restaurant open and I was hoping it was Tinkerbell. So I looked over in the hope it was and I was right. When I saw her part of me was happy she was alive and that she was back another also wanted to yell at her but I also knew it wasn't her fault we got separated. Instead I went over to her and hugged and so did Milori. After all these years we had finally been reunited. All I wanted to do now was for the three of us to go back to pixie hollow and make sure I never lose her again. I also wanted to know what she had been doing all this time and why she never came back home.

Tinkerbell POV:

I was shocked but also happy to see it was my parents that Hook and Blue were on about the whole time but that also means they won't let me stay and help Pan. I know I defeated his shadow but they still need my help because I know more about Pan than any of them. When my mother told me that it was time to go back to pixie hollow like I thought she would, I told her I couldn't at least not yet. She looked at me concerned and then I knew I had no choice but to tell her everything that happened to me after we got separated.

Lord Milori POV:

When Tinkerbell started telling us everything she went through, part of me was shocked and angry that this Peter Pan would trap her on Neverland never letting her leave until recently when Emma Swan and Captain Hook etc. let her go with them to escape Neverland. She then told us that she had to stay because the others need her to help get rid of Pan once and for all. I knew Clarion would disagree and try and force Tinkerbell to go back home with us but I also know that Tinkerbell is right. If he is as dangerous as she says, and she can help the others defeat him then I think she should stay and help and come home when she is ready.

Queen Clarion POV:

After Tinkerbell had told us what had happened to her the first thing I wanted to do was to take her back home to pixie hollow where it was safe but I also know both of them would convince me otherwise. So I told Tinkerbell that if she was going to stay and help everyone defeat Peter Pan, me and Milori were both going to stay and help too. That way we can make sure that nothing happens to her again and we can all help them defeat Peter Pan.

Tinkerbell POV:

I was quite surprised that my mother didn't say no straight away to staying but I guess it is fair if they want to stay with me and help. I also know she said that because she feels like she needs to protect me but there is no point in arguing about it so I just agree into letting them help us. I then tell them we need to get Blue and find Emma Swan and the others to figure out what Pan is up to and how to stop him.

I'm ending this chapter here, will try and update when I can.

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