Just My Luck

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"I've put enough money in your bank account for a concert ticket, and a couple of more grand in case you needed anything. You do have your credit card, don't you?" My Mom's voice whispered into the phone. "I do, thank you so much Mom!" I excitedly replied. "No problem honey, I asked your Dad to send you the money, I didn't tell him what for though, he refused to send you a penny." And that's my Dad and his stubbornness for you. And they complain about me being stubborn. "It's okay Mom, I'll send you the money back as soon as I can" I promised her, even though I had no idea what was going to happen to me, and what life would throw in my way. "It's okay, don't worry about it".

After saying our goodbyes, I grabbed my purse and Mac, and went to the café down the street which had free Wi-Fi.

When Mike and I left our hometown, my Mac was one of the most important things that I took with me. My Mac had all of my writings in it and I couldn't leave that behind. My writings are one of the most precious things in my life.

As soon as I sat down, a waitress my age brought a menu along with a small paper with the Wi-Fi password on it.

"What would you like to have?" she asked, smiling, "Water would be good" I replied, smiling back.

I opened my Mac and connected its internet. I instantly typed in the website; it took me a couple of minutes to find the tickets section since its design had changed since I last visited this website. Scrolling down, my eyes landed on LA in the long list of states.

I tapped on Staples Center where he was performing two nights in a row. The tickets were arranged from the ones in the balconies to the ones in the very front. I looked at the small amount of tickets left next to each position, his shows still sold out. The front tickets were sold out, which meant I couldn't get VIP tickets and that would be no use.

For a second, I felt hopeless then I remembered that he was performing twice. I clicked on the second date, the same list of different positions pop up, I scrolled down to the front seats. A huge Sold Out was written next to it and almost every other position. Sometimes I hated how famous he was.

I slightly pushed my laptop and putted my head on the small table in frustration. What am I supposed to do now? Sneak in? No, that would never work. Make some fake tickets? Like that would ever work. What about asking someone to give me their ticket? Yea, like that would happen. Why would they believe me anyway?

Breath in, breath out Juliet. You have to stay strong and get your baby. He needs a strong Momma. Raising my head, I brought my laptop to its old position.

After clicking several links, I ended up on the page with the list of states and their dates. Under LA, NY was written along with Madison Square Garden. Clicking it, I scrolled down until my eyes landed on what I wanted.

I thanked God the moment I saw 'Only 5 Tickets Available'

* * * * * * * * * * *

"Are you sure you don't want me to drive you? It's totally fine with me!" Andy said for the fifth time today, "No, it's alright. You've already done so much for me." I replied, with a smile. After thanking her and saying our goodbyes, I hopped in the taxi, driving off to the airport.

In the airport my feelings were all over the place, a thousand what ifs were running through my head. What if he doesn't believe me? What if my baby isn't with him anymore? What if i don't get the chance to even ask him about it? My thoughts were interrupted by the flight attendant's voice "all passengers of flight 88 please head to gate B"

I didn't want to spend all my money on a fancy hotel, so I rented a small room in a cheap hotel. It wasn't the type with a dirty bathroom and a broken small TV, it had a fairly clean room with a bed in the middle and small bathroom attached to it.

It was Saturday - the concert day, I was still wearing Andy's clothes since Mike had done God knows what with my clothes, I decided to go to the Mall down the street instead of staying in all day.

I bought myself a denim jeans and a black shirt with a heart drawn with daisies on it. I also bought a new phone since mine was too broken to function anymore and a few clothes for my baby. Seeing all the baby stores brought tears to my eyes. I missed him so much even though I've only seen him a few times. I miss the way he smelled and his little fingers. And as much as I hated saying it, I've missed Mike too. He was my first love and the father of my child after all. I don't think I can ever forgive him for this. No I don't miss him; I miss who I thought he was. I miss the good times I had with him. This Mike - the person he had turned into- is just a stranger. The Mike I knew would never do this to me. People change, the sooner I accept that the better.

It was 4PM, the meet and greet was at 5PM I didn't want to get stuck in New York's traffic so I slipped my phone, ticket and money into my pockets. My purse was too big and had way too many things in it that I didn't need for a concert so I left it in the hotel room along with the baby clothes that I bought today. I called the receptionist to call me a cab.

As I got closer and closer to Madison Square Garden I started feeling worse. Doubting myself isn't something I like and right now I had no reason to believe that I will be coming back to the hotel with my baby in my arms. Why would he believe me? I didn't even have his picture for God's sake!

The line of the Meet and Greet was getting shorter and shorter. I watched fans go there, get hugs and pictures and then in a split second they would get pulled back by a bodyguard. They didn't have a chance to talk to him, thank him or tell him their 'I love you's. Most of them were crying, he'd occasionally wipe their tears with his thump but he couldn't sit and chitchat with everyone. After all he was the Justin Bieber.

I'd occasionally spot a familiar face; fans would start attacking them and ask for pictures. Everyone had grown up so much. A smile crept on my face as I remembered the last time I had been here. The large man's voice snapped me out of my thoughts "it's your turn".

Justin stretched his hand for me to take it; I stared at him in horror. I need to tell him. And fast.

I slowly walked to him, "Hi" he smiled, looking directly into my eyes. It felt like he was looking into my soul. "that ... that baby you have" my voice kept breaking, I cleared my throat and started again, "that baby you have is my son. Please believe me I swear he is my son, please let me see him" by now I was crying, I almost fell on my knees but he held my arms in his hands. His smile had faded and he was staring at me with wide eyes. "I swear I'm not lying, please..." I begged, again. He cleared his throat, not breaking eye contact with me "Brandon, take her to my Mom".


i know its short, but im planning to start updating allot. writing this was fun, i hope so was reading it (:

im gonna start setting goals, i hope you guys help me reach them. tweet the link, tell your belieber friends, that could help allot (:

feel free to make manips, cast on the side.

next chapter goal: 20 votes, 10 comments.

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