Chapter 4

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Hey guys, loads of you have been requesting for a new update. To be honest with you I was seriously debating whether or not to keep it. But all of you have been commenting and messaging me telling me to update, so thank you :) 

If you haven't already check out my other fanfic 'That's The Way We Like' and vote for it please :) And also if you have twitter follow me :'D @ShelleyCopter (if you like the vamps check out my fanfic You're Breaking My Heart, and vote for it, thank you!) ily all <3 x

The bullies, or the guys from the other school, didn't really bother us, after Lily told them to do one, but a bit more impolite than that. I was still confused as why school was closed, maybe there was a letter that went out that I just forgot to give to mum, so none of us knew. Probably was something to do with that actually. I dont usually bother handing her anything I receive, such as letters, leaflets. She doesn't care what I do with myself. She's mainly out, down the pub or something, she'd arrive home at about 1 in the morning, knocking things over, and shouting a load of crap, causing my baby brother Oscar to wake up, then I have to go and check on him, change his nappy or something. I'm not a morning person, and I'm not exactly a massive fan of kids, some are cute, but yeah not my brother. He's not even my proper brother, half or step, like his dad isn't my dad, but mum and him are like going out, I think. I never even see him, he doesn't really look like the nicest of guys either.

I would go and stay with my dad, but he lives in a caravan, so there's not really enough space for me there. He is really lonely though, and I'd much rather live with him, wherever he is in that caravan of his. 

"Welcome to my crappy house!" I sighed, opening the plastic white door, to reveal my overly cluttered hallway and molding wallpaper. 

"It's nice." George said. 

"Don't lie." I laughed, all of us waking in. 

We all got greeted by my Collie, Jazz, who was bounding up and down the kitchen. The kitchen looked like a bombsite. Jazz had managed to chew at every single counter and the chairs and tables. Mum never really bothered cleaning. As the majority of people who visit my house may be able to tell. 

Like I would clean it up, if I could actually be bothered, which I'm not.

"Jazz down." I shouted, pushing him down. "I literally cannot wait to leave this dump." I smiled. 

"Where's your mum and dad?" George questioned. 

"Mum and Dad divorced. Mums probably taking or taken Oscar to nursery, then gone to the pub or something or round her boyfriends. She's barely in." I explained. 

"Why dont you live with your dad?" George asked. 

"I would, like he's so nice. But he lives in a caravan, and drives all over the UK. So there wont be enough room for me there, plus I wouldn't be in education, because one day he's in Scotland then the next he's in Wales." 

"Oh, so you're like stuck here for another 2 years then?" 

"God George stop asking so many questions, just shut up." Lily moaned, shoving past both of us and finding her way into the living room. 

"Yeah I guess. Just ignore Lily okay?" I told him, and he nodded, looking unsure though. "George seriously, she's a bitch sometimes, dont take anything to heart." I told him, keeping it to a low murmur so Lily wouldn't snap back. 

"Just find some new friends." George shrugged. 

"If only it was that simple George." I sighed. 

"It can be, just stick with me." He beamed, he was such a cutie. 

"Oh yeah Lily's going to be really happy about that." I laughed. 

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