Chapter 6

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"Whens the Geography field trip again?" George asked, laughing and tapping his foot along to the beat of the music we were both listening to. 

"5 days." I smiled, hopping off the bus, making the earphone, that was tucked away into my ear, fall out. George caught it in one swift move, and handed it back to me, but I didn't want it anymore. 

"Thank you." He turned around and smiled to the bus driver. 

George took his headphone out, and handed them back to me, where I placed them in my pocket. I found a bit of loose change in my bag, enough to buy George and I both an one scoop ice cream cone. The bitterly cold wind whipped up at my feet, making me shiver uncontrollably, and my hair to fly around all over the place. 

"Ice cream?" He asked, pointing to a small shack on the edge of the beach, nearby to Nando's where I was just a few days ago. 

"In this weather? I think I'll pass." I laughed, pulling my leather jacket further across my body. "How are you not cold?" I asked, staring at George who was in a plain white shirt and some black trousers. 

"Oh I am. I'm freezing, but I still want an ice-cream. It's kind of like a tradition, whenever I come to the beach with anyone I have to have an ice-cream. I also made a plan to see if I can try a different ice-cream flavour everywhere I go." 

"What's the weirdest flavour to tried?" I asked. 

"When I went to Italy there was a weird one, but I couldnt read the sign, because, well it was in italian." He laughed. "What about you?" 

"I normally stick  to Mint Choco Chip, or sometimes Strawberry. I'm not as adventurous as you with your ice creams." I laughed. 

"Oh I go all out there. Sometimes I just stick with a Twister or a Magnum. I had a weird Ice Lolly in America too. It was a clear one with strawberries in the middle. It looked nothing like it did on the packet. It was really gross."

I couldn't help but find myself laughing at George and his ice cream tales. 

We walked over to the small Ice Cream shack, to find an elderly woman with her ash blonde curly hair pulled back into a neat little bun. She was to engulfed in her cross word in the daily newspaper to notice George and I standing there, very patiently. 

She looked up and apologised dearly, and asked for our ice cream orders. Like usual I stuck to my mint choc chip, and George went for a Rhubarb and Custard one. She handed us both our ice creams and had kindly popped a flake in the top, she apologised again and we said our goodbyes. 

"I owe you." George said. 

"It was an ice cream, seriously it's nothing. But you could always sing to me." I teased, but I seriously did want him to sing for me. 

"I dont have my guitar with me." He stated. 

"But you have my phone. I'm sure there's a song on there you can sing along to." 

"Yeah but people will see me and think I'm weird." He shyed away. 

"George look around. No-one is here." I laughed, pulling my phone out of my pocket and handing him the headphones. 

"Well suggest a song then." He laughed, scrolling through my songs. "I KNEW YOU WERE A JUSTIN BIEBER FAN, I KNEW IT!" He exclaimed, shoving my phone in my face, proving it to me. 

"That's was my younger sister, she's a big fan." I lied. 

"You don't have a younger sister." He said, raising an eyebrow. 

"Um half...?" I said, but mainly questioned. 

"You don't have a half sister either, just admit it, you're a belieber." He laughed. 

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