Chapter 7

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Finally we got back to my house, and to my surprise my mum was home with my brother. Although she looked like she'd been awake since midnight. She glared at me when I came in the door, then when she saw George, she looked more confused than ever. Jazz began barking and mum slapped her round the nuzzle, making George flinch, suddenly he hid behind my back, cautious of what may happen next.

"Who's this?" Mum shrieked, pointing at George bouncing Oscar on her hip. 

"George." I mumbled, this wasn't any of her business anyway? 

"Why's he here?" She asked this time lowering her tone, sounding more arrogant than she previously did.

"I'm going upstairs." I said, refusing to answer her question and tugging George along with me. We went into my bedroom and we both plonked ourselves down on the bed and looked at eachother. George's eyes were big and full of worry, like he's done something wrong. I could tell her was scared of my mum and what she was going to do, and the honest answer to that is nothing. She seems all tough but she's just depressed and doesn't really know how to handle herself, she's just a wreck basically. 

"Scarlett?" George gulped. 

"George don't worry about her. She wouldn't do anything to you." I replied. 

"She hates me." George said, shuffling around on my bed, uncomfortable, looking down, and playing with his fingers. He looked up, our eyes meeting again. 

"You've got to stop thinking everyone hates you. They don't George." I said, my arm hovering over his shoulder, debating whether to place it down to reassure him, or whether to just place it back on the bed, in case he thought I was coming onto him. 

"At my old school they did." He murmured, his head dropping back down again. 

I was quite tempted to ask what had happened in his old school, even though I pratically know already, well atleast I think I do. He was bullied and he's been so self concious ever since. But I don't want to confront him on that subject because I knew it was something close and personal to him, and why on earth would he open up to someone he's know for less than 24 hours? I didn't want to carry on arguing with George, or whatever youd call this thing that was currently happening. So I decided to change the topic, to something I knew he'd be happier to talk about. 


"Are you still up for posting something on YouTube?" I asked, hoping to make a conversation out of this, but I knew I couldn't. He was scared, and the last thing he would want to do is upload something on YouTube that probably wouldn't get anywhere but the school, and then everyone would find it, and I knew how much George would hate that. But I was still aiming to get atleast a sentance from him, if not that. 

"No. I think I might just leave." George said, his head still hanging in the same posistion, not once looking up at me. I feel bad for him. I want to be there for him, but I know I can't. He's to hidden, although today was fun and I could tell George enjoyed it, but I mean he's had so many bad days in his life he just can't cancel out. 

"Stay a bit longer." I attempted, but he shook his head and stood up. He looked up, our eyes meeting and he smiled weakly. 

"Thank you."  He turned back and said quietly, opening my bedroom door, and subtly walking out, he closed the door, and I heard him as he walked down the stairs, I was praying my mum wouldn't say anything to him, because that would just make matters worse. I heard him as he closed the front door behind him. I walked over to my window to catch a glimpse of him as he walked back down the road we had just previously walked on. His head was still hanging low. 

I threw myself back on the bed and let out a big sigh. I need to talk to someone. Someone who would actually understand, but I knew no-one that would.  

"Why did George leave." Mum screamed up the stairs. 

I didn't want to waste oxygen talking to my mum. She was annoying and it was just effort speaking to her, I knew she didn't care if I answered her or not. 

"Scarlett." She said, this time her voice was alot clearer, she was outside my bedroom door. "What are you doing in there?" She asked, creaking the door open, and sticking her head through the crack. "Oscar needs feeding Scar."

"Go away, you can feed him yourself, he's your child not mine." I grumbled, pressing my hands hard on my face, waiting for her to exit. 

"Suit yourself." She muttered before slamming the door, just to show how pissed off she was with me.

I don't honestly know why I was feeling like this. I mean George was the one who was on the verge of tears, so why am I feeling so lonely and depressed? I was just laying on my bed staring up towards the ceiling, noticing the pattern it had. I then turned my head and looked at my picture wall. I really need to update it. Some of the pictures Ihad no idea who it was in them. I just dont have the effort to do anything at all. 

What the hell is George Shelley doing to me. 


I'd woken up by midnght to hear a loud buzzing noise that kept recurring. Half asleep still, I tried to find my phone on the bedside cabinet to turn the alarm on my phone off. I checked to see if I had any notifications from any social media, but I had one friend request from George on Facebook which made me laugh. I pulled on my school clothes and brushed through my hair, applying only a bit of makeup before going downstairs to find mum had cooked some more Muffins, thank god. 

"Where are you going?" She asked, making Oscars bottle for him.

"Where I go every Wednesday, school?" I laughed, peeling off the cupcake wrapper and taking a bite from the top.  

"It's 1 in the morning." She laughed. "Plus it's Saturday." She added. 

How thick could I be? I doubt I'll be able to sleep, so I pulled out my laptop, and got blinding as soon as soon as I turned it on. Once my eyes had adjusted to the illuminated light, I logged onto Facebook, to find some source of entertainment. As my page loaded I had 7 messages, and I wondered who on earth would even want to message me that much. 

I clicked on them to find all of them from Lily, asking for my apology and how mean she was towards George. But I couldn't be bothered to message her back. I then realised I also had a friend request, and as I clicked on it I realised it was George, I smiled and accepted, before receiving a message from him almost instantly. 

What are you doing up this early!? xx 

I can't sleep :'( xx 

Let's go out and do something together then xx 

What like rob a bank? If you don't know George it's 1am and everything will be closed. 

We can go to the beach [] xx 

George it's cold outside xx 

I'm wearing a onesie, so I'm not cold [] xx 

Where should I meet you? And why do loads of boxes come up after everything you type? 

You don't have emojis?! I'm shocked Scarlett! [] 

What on earth is an emoji?  

Meet me at Tescos in like 10 minutes. You forgot to put kisses Scarlett ;) 

You didn't put kisses just then George! Hypocrite. 

That's because you didn't put them ;) 

I'm going now George, see you in 10 :D (xx) 

So here I was. In 10 minutes time, I had to sneak out of my house, into the bitterly cold hours of the morning, and I was going to meet George and would go to the beach, where it would be a lot colder. 


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