[Chapter 5]

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"Is this seat taken?" I look up to find Namjoon standing in front of the table "Do you see anyone sitting there?" I respond.

"You could be waiting for someone" Namjoon laugh, I close my book slowly and decide to turn on my sass "Yes on my first day at the new school I am obvious already saving a spot for my bff!" I smile a sarcastic smile.

He laugh. The laughter turn into a big smile and he bite his lips "Touché" I make a slight laugh smile and gesture for him to sit down.

"Well thank you good sir" he bow before taking a seat "My pleasure young master" I respond, making myself laugh.

Maybe this guy is alright after all. I should give him an honest chance.

Jimin had told me his story yesterday, how he once was the new kid in town. He ended up with the wrong people. Jimin truly believed that Namjoon wasn't like that, yesterday had shown him otherwise.

I look at the male beside me. He is already busy with looking at todays assignment that was already written on the blackboard.

"You know much about poems?" I ask him, I don't know where that came from, but now it is out there.

"I know some. I have always found them kind of fascinating. The language is so different from the spoken one" he smile, reviling dimples as he did.

"Someone is a poet wannabe" I laugh, making his smile turn even brighter.

"Aren't we all?"

Namjoon POV

Jin is a one of a kind person. He likes making people smile, even though I don't think he is aware that he do. He keeps making these small jokes, slowly breaking the ice between us.

The boy by the name Seokjin grab lightly in my book to read the task for today. As he do so my eyes are stuck on his nails, they are slightly long and painted black.

"Can I ask you something?" I whisper to not disturb anyone "Hm" he mumble.

"Why would you paint your nails" he doesn't even look up at me as he study the pages in the book "Why wouldn't I?" he ask me.

Can you really be that comfortable with your sexuality? I am pretty sure that Jin is straight. However the nail polish on his nails could make people think of him... the wrong way

"You aren't scared that people are going to misunderstand it?"

"How so?" he look up at me with soft eyes, I am happy to see that my questions aren't bothering him.

"I don't know you! So please don't get offended. But that might make people think that you are gay" I point at his nails.

"Who said I wasn't?" he wink and smile as he look back down at the book.

What? Jin is gay? Actually he didn't say that he was gay. He said no one said that he wasent! Why do I even care so much? I am straight myself! Why should I care rather or not he is gay?


"Care to join us for lunch again today?" Jin ask me kindly. He is standing in front of our table. Tightly hugging his book onto his chest.

I smile and nod. I can feel my cheeks heat up "Erm Namjoon, you are slightly pink. Are you feeling alright?" Jin lean in and put a palm on my forehead. My face heat up even more under his touch.

"I am alright Jin! Don't worry" I remove his hand slowly, holding on to it for maybe a bit too long.

A silence fall between us as I look into his eyes.

"Maybe we should go to lunch?" Jin break the silence. I nod instead of trying to form a proper responds


"Namjoon! Get out now" Jimin whisper yell with his eyes wide open.

"What is the matter Jimin? I thought you said we should give him a chance!" Jin respond with a confused look on his face.

"Yes we are giving him a chance! But a rather special group of people is looking for him" a point towards my old group of friends.

My day with Jin and the other boys had made me forget the reality we lived in. the one where people like Jin and Jimin couldn't be friends with a guy like me.

Jae has grabbed a boy by the collar, shaking him violently. I can see that the boy is scared.

"LET HIM GO JAE" I scream from the other end of the room. I slowly walk up to them with my hands down the front pockets on my pants.

"Look who we got here boys" I bow Slightly "You are a hard man to find Namjoon" Uksung says, walking up behind Jae.

"That is me! Always so damn hard to find" my face is cold. My only goals is to keep the other boys out of trouble.

"We got a little matter we want to discus with you, Alfa" he make a hateful face at the last word.

I keep calm and pick out a lollipop from my jacket. placing it carefully in my mouth.

Jimin had given me a bunch of lollipops yesterday and told me to eat them instead of smoking. He only wanted me to take care of myself.

"What can be so terrible that you have to annoy people who clearly have nothing to do with me?"

"Be careful Namjoon! Because we know who is dear to you!" he spit at me. Anger filling his eyes.

"Want to explain this?" Wookseong show me a picture on his phone. It is a screenshot from Taehyungs Instagram. Clearly showing me beside the other boys.

"What is there to explain?"

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"What is there to explain?"

"No getting all royal on us! you know what there is to explain! People like us don't hang out with people like them! They are all outcasts" Jae scream, I fear the vein on his neck is going to burst.

"It's none of your damn business who I hang out with"

Jae quickly move closer, as he is about to hit me a voice is to be heard.

"MR. TANGUE! NO fighting! Come with me to the office!" my English teacher came to save me. Like an angle from heaven. That sounded weird.

"This is not over Namjoon" he hiss as he walk away with Uksung and Wookseong behind him.

This is not over...

I want to dedicate this story to @emmagrace213 who have been given me such a belief in myself! Thanks for loving and supporting my story! You are too cute!

_______I want to dedicate this story to @emmagrace213 who have been given me such a belief in myself! Thanks for loving and supporting my story! You are too cute!

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Have a heart from Namjoon! Much love!
-The author aka Oliver

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