[Chapter 8]

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Namjoon POV

Jin laugh before quickly dragging his tongue across my exposed skin on my neck. I push him away and he almost fall on the floor laughing.

"Aish JIN! Why did you do that?" I use the back of my hand to wipe away his spit from my neck.

"I felt like it I guess, also you smelled like strawberries" He shrug his shoulder clearly proud of his actions.

"You suck" I wipe the last spit off and turn to face the older male. He lean in towards he and respond in a soft whisper against my ear "More than n you think"

I am frozen in my spot, as Jin just laugh and start to walk down stairs.

After 2 minutes of staring into the empty air, I decide to walk down stairs, only to be met by two voices breaking the silence Jin had left me in.

"Oh there you are" Jin says, noticing me the second I arrive downstairs. A woman appear behind him holding a bag in her hand.

"Namjoon this is my mom" he gesture towards the woman in the kitchen that smile at me and wave. "Mom this is Namjoon" Jin wrap one arm around me.

"Nice to meet you" the woman lay the bag on the table and offer me her hand. I polite take it and send back a smile reviling my dimples.

"What a handsome young man! I like the hair" she let go of my hand and her smile grow even bigger.

I blush slightly "Thank you" Jin stop me from answering the last part by ruffling my hair "I helped him dye his hair! I had some purple left from last time"

"Hair dye virgin?"

"Hair dye virgin" Jin respond with a grin.

"Well it suits you!" he lay a hand on her sons shoulder, giving it a light squeeze before walking back into the kitchen.

"Is your friend staying over?" Jin look at me with questionable eyes "Are you staying over?" I look into his soft brown eyes trying to see if there was a right answer to that question.

"Like for dinner or sleep over?" I ask him, trying to avoid answering.

"Sleep over" Jin respond shortly, once again awaiting an answer.

"Your friend can join us this weekend, we are going to Seoul land tomorrow" His mother offer kindly.

"That's very nice of you mrs?" she look up from what she is doing "Kim" I smile kindly "Mrs Kim, but I don't have any money" I frown abit.

I would love to go to Seoul land with Jin. Sadly my parents didn't give me any money to live for and I didn't have a job. I lived alone so I couldn't expect them to"

"Don't worry about money dear! We are celebrating that Jin's father got a promotion! We got a free extra ticket" she lay the tickets on the table and invite us to look at them.

"Shall I call your parents and ask if its okay you go with us?"

"No need! I live alone" I respond. Jin slightly lean against me. I can feel his relaxed breath on my ear.

"So you feel like joining or what?" Jin playfully ask me. Bowing on my ear softly.

"In that case, I would love to join you" Jin chuckle softly and wrap his arms around my waist.

"Jin dear?" Jin hum softly as a responds, not caring to open his mouth to answer. Sending soft shivers down my spine. His voice sounds so deep and husky.

"You didn't tell me you got a new boyfriend" he hm again before realizing what she had just said and hurry to let go of me again.

I shouldn't feel sad, but I still kind of did. Was it that terrible to be mistaken for my boyfriend?

"What boyfriend?" Jin ask confused. I feel relived that it wasn't the thought of me being his boyfriend that made him panic like that.

"Namjoon of course" she caress my cheek and I smile widely not realizing the situation.

"Namjoon is not my boyfriend mom" he sigh and roll his eyes.

"My bad dear. Now go to your room" she almost sing, sending us off to Jin's room.


"Sorry about my mom" Jin rub the back of his neck, feeling a bit embarrassed.

"You shouldn't be! It's totally okay" I try to calm the whole situation down.

"I am still sorry though" he chuckle and look directly into my eyes.

After a moment of us just looking at each other and my heart threatening to quit. He finally break the silence "You are really pretty, did you know?" Jin blush slightly.

I don't know what to respond. My throat feels like it have swollen to double size making me unable to breath.

I warp my arms around him and bring him in close to me. Leaning back on the bed letting us both land on it.

As I planned Jin end up laying with his head on my chest and our legs slightly tangled into mine.

I hope Jin don't mind sleeping on his stomach. Even though I worry that Jin aren't laying comfortably, I can soon feel him relax on my chest.

His arms are wrapped around my shoulders and I can see his eyes are closed.

Jin has fallen asleep. He looks like an actual angel.

Is it bad I want him to be my angel?


More kind of fluff! ack i will make things happen soon! I am so sorry  

Saranghae - Author Oliver

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