[Chaper 13]

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A/N I have been sick lately and working on a play that got premier tomorrow! That's why I haven't updated!
TRIGGER WARNING! Contain character death and talk about Cancer!!

Namjoon POV

I am laying in Jin's bed. The morning sun is caressing my face as I enjoy the soft noises of water running in Jin's bathroom, mixing up with his soft hums.

The noise made a relaxing atmosphere take place around me. My mind is blank and peaceful; this is the perfect way to wake up.

I stretch my body and make a weird noise as the movement satisfy my body in a relaxing way. I proceed to rub my eyes as I take in the pink light that is engulfing the lovely room. My home.

We have been a couple for a month now, it's almost surreal. I can't believe I was lucky enough to snatch him.

Pictures of us decorate the walls of his warm room, every favourite moment we share is captured in a picture. Forever cheerful on his wall. Lights caressing them like the most precious child.

Everytime I look around my eyes capture a new moment and I let my brain relive the second right before and right after the picture was taken.

As I look around and enjoy the small picture on the wall, my eyes fall on a picture I haven't noticed before now, all I regonize is the boy on the picture.

The boy on the picture is the same boy that is on the picture on his door. The boy got blue hair and is smiling lovingly at Jin.

My eyes move on and my eyes travel to a picture of the boy and Jin kissing each other.

I can feel my heart ache inside my chest, why was that hanging on his wall? If he is an ex why wouldn't Jin take it down? Maybe he already got a boyfriend and I am just a mistress.

A million thoughts is running through my head as I blankly stare at the picture, letting my mind get the best of me.

The water stops running. I wouldn't have noticed if Jin's hums hadn't ended as well.

I don't take my eyes of the picture, not for a single second. My mind is still thinking about every logical reason that picture is on his wall.

He is beautiful for sure. He got soft eyes that unlike mine is colourful, they are dark blue and warm. He looks at Jin with so much love it makes me want to stab my heart and rib it out my chest.

The door creaks open and I can hear footsteps getting closer to the bed.

Jin drop down on the bed, not beside me, but on top of me. His arms wrap around my shoulders as he lay his head on my chest, his wet hair caressing my face.

Jin Start caressing my naked shoulder and hum softly to a song only he can hear.

We stay like this for a while, my eyes traveling between the pictures of him and the boy, still trying to solve the puzzle in my head.

"Are you okay?" Jin is resting his upper body in his arms as he look at me.

I can feel his elbows on my chest. I am paralyzed, I can't make up my mind to even answer his questions. Leaving him in a heavy silence.

"Namjoon?" He caress my face trying to catch my attention, eventually giving up. He start analyzing my eyes to find out what I am looking at.

He lay his head next to mine as his eyes land on the pictures I am looking at.

He sigh and take a deep breath "If I ask you nicely... will you listen to me?" He beg without moving a centimeter.

I hum a short noise hoping he catch that as a yes, I don't want to judge him just yet. I want to hear his side of the story.

I have to hear him out, he never judged me! He heard both me and Jimin out before labeling me.

"Those pictures are taken 1 year ago... it's actually a rather long story" I can feel him shiver and without thinking I wrap an arm around him.

"It's okay Jin! Take the time you need" I whisper with a raspy voice.

Jin takes a deep breathe "his name is Alex, he was a transfer student on my last school, he came from England and moved to Korea because his dad got a good deal in Korea, a work deal"

He smile to himself; the smile not reaching his eyes.

"I had to show him around school, he was kind and accepted how bad I was at English, using his best korean to talk to me, he would later make fun at how nervous I was back then"

I turn over to get a better look at Jin, his eyes blank and almost full of tears, the force holding back the tears in his eyes world burst of he opened his mouth once more.

"He was a good guy, always cheerful and happy. He was a part of a loving family. Everything was so damn perfect. He was perfect" tears start falling down his face.

"He was my first Love, my first ever boyfriend. He made me happy, he was even the one to ask me out, knowing I would never get the courage to do so"

He laugh slightly and let a finger wipe away the tears that is now running down his face without a stop. I take over the job and offer him a chance to continue. Rubbing his back while catching each tear that would fall down his beautiful face.

"He Start feeling sick one morning, we thought it was a normal fever. After him being sick for a month, his mom and dad took him to the hospital... he had a tumor in his brain, one they couldn't remove nor treat... he got worse day by day"

Jin's body shiver as he relive the probably most traumatizing moment of his life.

"They told us he had 2 months left to live in... I started skipping school to see him everyday, I prayed everyday that they would be wrong and that he was okay... 2 months passed but he was still with me! He was right by my side"

Jin hold out his arms to point out what he had been saying, letting a sad chuckle leave his lips.

"He woke up one morning, feeling alright. He was full of energy, his smile was back and he seemed so normal again. He talked me into going to an amusement park with him... that is when the picture is taken, I didn't know this wish was a death wish... he took me on the best date and showered me in love..."

His smile fade away, leaving a broken boy on the bed.

"Alex died on a Friday, 6 days after that picture was taken" He point at the picture of them kisssing.

"The tumor ate his brain, the hope I had gotten was just the rise right before he fell down again, this time to never get up again"

Jin break down crying. I scold myself for every bad thought I had ever had about this boy.

I wrap my arms around him, pulling him closer to me. I run my fingers through his hair, hoping I can fix the mess I just made.

"I am sorry" my voice crack with every word I say, tears filling my own eyes.

Jin is so strong, he lost the love of his life to cancer. How can someone even live with that? How can you stay strong after losing someone like Alex?

"Don't be" Jin cry, his whole body shivering as he is crying into my tank top.

"Alex sounds like a good guy, I bet he was amazing" Jin chuckle through his tears and let me wipe his tears away with my fingers.

"He was, you would have loved him" he smile at me and I offer him one in return, hoping that will help the healing process just a tiny bit.

"I love you" Jin whisper after a moment of silence "you know that, right?" I caress his face and smile at the sobbing boy in my arms.

"I know, and I love you too" I place a loving kiss on his lips. Jin smile against my lips.

"Thank you" He respond as I pull away.

"For what?"

"For picking up my broken pieces and glue them back together"

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