[Chapter 6]

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Namjoon POV

"You can't hide forever you know" Jin is sitting on the wall that is surrounding the school, with his legs dangling off the edge slightly clicking against the wall.

Our class had been cancelled and we decided to go out in the early January sun. I could see a bright shimmer on Jins cheek. Was he wearing make up?

"I am well aware" I look down at the slightly white ground beneath my feet "The question now is" he jump down from the wall while saying that, kneeling down next to me "What are you going to do about it?"

"I don't know Jin! I tried to keep things from falling apart when I was their... friend"

"Then why did you stop?" I can feel Jins eyes on me but I won't look back at him.

"Because I could do it anymore. Jimin was the one that showed me that friends don't have to be assholes that only respect you because you are stronger than them"

"Jimin is a smart guy" Jin smile, my eyes get attracted to his lips. A soft shimmer also coming from them.

"Do you naturally glitter or did you put on make up?" I laugh.

"Oh this?" he make a round circle with his hand around his face "No that is natural man!" he laugh a charming laughter.

"I really like your make up" I admit.

A smile I playing on his lips "Thank you, I try to keep it more low profile when I go to school"

"So you practice make up at home?" he bite his lip and nod shyly.

"I used to also wear full face make up to school... and skirts" he look down at his feet, his face is turning pink.

"I would love to see that! Bet you would look amazing in a dress as well" I smile and try to make him look at me.

"Wow Namjoon, you have only known me for a week and you are already hitting on me!" he playfully push me.

"Shut up! I am not flirting with you" I laugh a peaceful laughter and look at the other male.

"You totally were!"

"I totally wasent! Besides, I have known you for a week and 3 days!" he push me once more, this time I fell over and into the snow.

He start laughter as I stand up with my face covered in snow.

"You find that funny huh?" I throw a snowball as him. He make a fake offended face "NOT MY MAKE UP" he scream and attack me.

We roll around in the snow as he try to cover my face in it again. Jin is strong, but I am just that bit stronger. I roll him over on his back and sit down on top of him.

"Easy tiger" I pant for air, even though I can hardly breathe the situation still makes me laugh.

"I almost had you" Jin laugh and lay his head down in the snow.

We sit like this for a little while, until we are both able to breathe again.

"Hey Namjoon?"

"Yes?" I look into his eyes, the deep brown keep me as a hostage.

"I am all soaked! And we only got 2 classes left today... should we maybe skip them and go to my place? You are obvious also just a tiny but soaking wet" he laugh and give my jacket a light puff with his hand.

"A strange man who wear makeup and miniskirts in his free time ask me if I want to go with him home! You could be a rapist!" I laugh and get off him.

"How did you know?" he make a fake shocked face and take my hand to get up.

"I can smell rapists" he almost fall back down laughing.

"You have a weird sense of humour man" I try to hold back my laughter.

"So do you" he take short breaths making them deeper and deeper, trying to stop laughing.

He smile after finally getting his laughter under control. He sigh and bite his lip.

"Should we go then?" I point towards the gates of the school. He nod and starting to walk towards it.

"I live 10 minutes away! But we have to hurry! 5 minutes before class is over" He start running and I follow behind him.

Is this really happening? I look over at Jin who is running beside me. Its him and I now!


Some Namjin fluff! Cause it makes me super damn soft! 

My little boy heart is having a moment!

Namjin is just so real! ack! 

Namjin is just so real! ack! 

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Look at Jins hart eyes in the last pic! I....I...

*Nose bleed*

{I thought i had uploaded this! TF?}

Skirts and Nailpolish \\ Namjin -Comeplete-Where stories live. Discover now