[Chapter 3]

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Namjoon POV

How can I always be late? It's about to annoy me. We had switched all our classrooms out with new once over the winter break and I was complete lost in the empty school halls.

I take out my old phone and search up our school on the slow wifi.

3A, Red area.

I shut my phone off and walk over campus towards Red area. The doors are wide open to the red building.

1 A

2 A


I open the door slowly. The teacher look at me from the blackboard "Mr Kim. Late as always" I look down at the ground "Sorry sir! I couldn't find the classroom"

Everyone's eyes are on me. I haven't attended this class in a long time. All the smart kids of the school was looking rather terrified as I made my way through the classroom.

I throw my bag against the table leg and sit down on a chair in the back of the classroom.

There was no free tables where I could sit without disturbing anyone. I sat down next to a blond boy with a black mask on.

"Hey Jimin, can you help me" I look up from my homework and look directly at one of the smart kids of the school, talking to the blond boy beside me.

I didn't know the name of anyone in this class, I was what some people would see as too cool to know such unimportant info.

"What must be the matter Tae" Jimin use one hand to drag the book and the brown haired boy's notes closer to himself.

"I don't understand that question fully" he point at a question, Jimin slowly read it before removing his cuff mask and revealing two plump lips.

"What you have to do is simply try to read between the lines, try not to look at the words! Try to get in between them" He point at a line.

"Try this one. My rose pedal heart is losing a pedal every second your absent"

"So its like saying, you feel uncomplete when the person aren't next to you?"

"Exactly" Jimin smile at the boy, a bright smile revealing his perfect teeth.

The boy bow down slightly "Thanks Hyung!" he make his way back to his seat. Jimin once again focus on his own school work.

After staring at the boy with the perfect lips for a little too long, his eyes meet mine.

I awkwardly look away.

"Anything wrong?" He mumble, maybe a bit scared of actually talking to me. My status on this school made people have a hard time talking to me.

"Erm, kind of. I don't fully understand this text" I point at the same text his friend had just shown him.

"I am already done with my homework, I can help you if you want some help" he suggest, a little more confidence in his voice than before.

"That would be lovely" Jimin lean in a little closer to read the text.


"Do you understand now?"

"I think I do! So the text is about how love is endless between two humans, how whenever they are apart he or she gets anxious"

"Correct" Jimin smiles proudly "See! You are amazing at this" I look down at my notes. My cheeks have turned pink. No one have ever praised me like this nor been proud of me.

The clock makes a soft noise and everyone starts packing their stuff.

The Brown haired boy is back at our table once again "Jimin! I found a person you have to meet" I try to focus on packing my stuff.

"This is Seokjin! He is a new student! Can we keep him?" I roll my eyes at the weird stuff that's coming out that boys mouth as a sweet sound interrupt my packing.

"Nice to meet you, you must be Jimin" I look up to see a boy with soft features and perfect formed eyes in a deep brown colour. His hair is nice cut and dyed Pink. Wow he is beautiful.

The brown haired boy, who for some reason hadn't seen that I was the one next to his friend, lean in across the table. As he look to the other side his eyes meet mine. The boy jump up and look at me with wide eyes.

"Erm Chimmy, Can I ask you something?" the boy whisper, not realizing I can hear him "Why are you sitting next to him?" he lower his voice a bit, but I can still hear every word.

"You are aware that I can hear you right?" I ask him, making the younger boy shiver.

"Calm down Taehyung, he is not that bad! I just help him with the poetry" Taehyung nod and run to hide behind Seokjin. The handsome new student. Why did I just call him handsome?

"We should go find the next class guys" Seokjin break the silence and the two boys nod.

They take their bag and leave me alone in the empty classroom.

Who was he?

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